Matthew 24:11"
Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many"
Matthew 24:15-16"
Therefore when you see the 'abomination of desolation,'spoken by Daniel the prophet,standing in the holy place"(whoever reads,let him understand)"then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains"
Jesus in His Olivet discourse prophetically foretold the coming of a certain personality prior to His imminent return.This man will one day stand in the holy place(temple)and bring about the "abomination of desolation" to the temple of God.The Lord highlited that this is the person that Daniel the prophet mentioned as someone who is so evil that He warn His disciples to flee the country a far as possible.Since the Lord uses Daniel's prophecy in referring to this this evil personality,we will then examine the book of Daniel as our basis to search and to make known this evil personality.
It is very important for Christians to know the End Times events where one evil personality will come to dominate and trigger the 7 years Tribulation period.We will later know that this evil personality is a man known as the Antichrist,the son of the devil who will come to rule for seven years.This Antichrist is an evil genius,a political,economical,military and religious leader ready to be revealed.This Antichrist will have an evil helper,a false Prophet(Rev 13:11-14) and together with the devil,they will form an evil trinity union to steal,kill and destroy God's tribulation saints.
While God's wrath,the seven seals,seven trumpets and the seven vials/bowls are being poured upon Antichrist's domain,the devil will send this Antichrist and this False prophet to bring evil wrath upon the people of God.I will use both the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation to exegete scriptures to reveal this man called the Antichrist
It is interesting to note,that the Holy Spirit revealed to Paul the Apostle concerning this Antichrist and called him the 'son of perdition".Paul even explained that this man is so blasphemous to God and even took over God's temple and even proclaim himself as the divine.(2Thess2:3-4)
"Let no one deceive you by any means;for that Day will not come,unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed,the son of perdition,who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worship,so that he sit as God in the temple of God showing himself that he is God"
.This verse of scripture clearly indicate that this son of perdition,the Antichrist is really a man and not a system or anythings similar to it.Another important fact to note here is that there will be a temple of God exist during the reign of the Antichrist.I am convince that a third temple of God will be build in Israel during the 7 years tribulation period.Even Jesus did mention that the abomination of desolation will be standing in the holy Place,which point to a temple of God.This great temple of God will be build on the same previous location of the previous two temples in Jerusalem which is at the mount of Moriah.
In the Book of Revelation,the Antichrist was revealed as a 'beast'to represent his entire personality.Most of the symbol of the beasts that John saw in his end time vision can be found in the book of Daniel.Therefore,we can easily interprete the Antichrist's indentity,his nationality and his domain using both interpretation from this book.Remember that Jesus uses the Book of Daniel as His reference to the Antichrist.Therefore I will also use many of my references from the book of Daniel.The Apostle John saw in his vision and wrote:"And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea,having seven heads and tens horns,and on his horns ten crown,and on his heads a blasphemous name.Now the beast which I saw was like a
leopard,his feet were like the feet of a
bear,and his mouth like the mouth of a
lion.The dragon gave him power,his throne,and great authority.And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded,and his deadly wound was healed.All all the world marveled and followed the beast.So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast,saying "who is like the beast"who is able to make war with him?"(Rev 13:1-4)
This awesome and bizarre beast that John saw was in the combined form of a three strong animals/beasts.It has the body of a leopard,with feet as of a bear,with a mouth like of a lion.Note carefully that these beasts were the similar beasts that Daniel the prophet saw in his dream and vision:"I saw in my vision by night,and behold,the four winds of heaven were stirring up the Great sea.And four great beast came up from the sea,each different from the other.The first was like a
lion,and had eagle's wings.I watched till its wings were plucked off;and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet like a man,and a man's heart was given to it.And suddenly another beast,a second like a
bear.It was raised up on one side,and had three ribs its mouth between its teeth,And they said thus to it:"Arise,devour much flesh!"After this I looked,and there was another,like
leopard,which had on its back four wings of a bird.The beast also had four heads,and dominion was given to it"(Daniel 7:3-6)
The interpretation was then given in verse 17,that "
Those great beast,which are four,are four kings which arise out of the earth"These four kings are the same kings/kingdom that was revealed in Daniel 2,when the Prophet interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 2:28-45.The first beast,the lion represent the kingdom of the Babylonian.The bear represent the kingdom of Media-Persia (modern Iran).The Leopard represent the kingdom of Greece.The last kingdom will be the Romans.
Henceforth,we can therefore interprete this scripture as such:The beast who is the Antichrist has the body of a Leopard and that is he is probably of a Greek nationality and born in the country of Greece.The feet of this beast is like of a bear,which means the Antichrist has Persia or Iran under his domain.The beast also had the mouth of a lion,that means he speak or have his headquaters from Babylon the modern day Iraq.Daniel 11:43 also suggest that he kingdom will also covers Libya and Ethiopia.
You will also notice that this beast have seven heads,ten horns with tens crowns on his horns.This is the same beast being mentioned in Revelation 17:3 as
"a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy ,having seven heads and ten horn".In Daniel 7,we have this similarity:"The ten horns are ten kings who shall arise from this kingdom.And another shall rise after them;He shall be different from the first ones,And shall subdue the three kings.He shall speak pompous words against the most High,Shall persecute the saints of the Most High...."Daniel 7:24-25.In Revelation 17:9,the seven heads were revealed.
"The seven heads are seven mountain on which the woman sits.There are also seven kings.Five have fallen,one is and the other has not yet come.And when he come,he must continue a short time.The beast that was,and is not,is himself also the eight and is of the seven,and is going to perdition.The tens horn which you saw are ten kings who have received authority for one hour as kings with the beast."
The Antichrist posesses all the charismatic attributes of a man.He is a good orator (Daniel 7:25)and a powerful word of influence (Daniel 11:36,Rev 13:5-6).He is also a military genius general(Rev 13:4).He is the one who started a peace treaty with the nation of Israel for seven years and thus triggers the beginning of a seven year tribulation.(Daniel 10:27)but broke this covenant halfway that is after three and a half years.
It was also mentioned that one of its head was mortally wounded,but also was healed thus marveled the whole world.(Rev 3:3)This scripture suggest to us that the Antichrist will some how be asassinated or be killed in the midst of Tribulation but then be resurrected again because satan himself will indwell the Antichrist's body that causes it to be resurrected from the dead.This is not strange,since the spirit of the Antichrist or satan have been possesing many false prophets before (1 John 4:1-3).This again is another effort of satan and the Antichrist to try and duplicate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.The world will then began to worship the Antichrist and satan while he stand in the temple proclaiming himself as God.The Satanic Antichrist will have so much power that he can even perform signs and lying wonders that bring deception to many (2 Thess 2:9-10)
The old Roman empire was known to be a kingdom that sit on a seven hills or mountains.The Roman Empire is the fourth kingdom and the last known kingdom who rule the ancient world.Therefore,there will rise a 10 kings from the confines of the Old Roman Empire.The Antichrist will be the eight king or the eleventh horn of Daniel(7:8)According to the scripture,the Antichrist will rise as a dictator ruling ten kingdoms or nations within the confined of the old Roman Empire.They will assist the Antichrist to fight againts the Lord Jesus Christ at the battle of Armageddon where the Lord will destroy them (1Thess 4:2:8)
When Adolf Hittler became Germany's chancellor,he use the symbol of a swastika to represent his basic concept of Germandom.In some mythologies, a swastika whose arm point to the left instead if the right signifies darkeness and evil and indeed it did show the darkside force behind Adolf Hittler evil dictatorship.When the Antichrist rose up to become the ultimate dictator of the world,he also will take up a symbol or mark to represent his evilness and authority over man.With the help of his super False Prophet,he began to implement this particular type of mark.Look at how the super False Prophet deceive and causes every follower of the Antichrist to receive his mark :
He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast,that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.He causes all ,both small and great,rich and poor,free and slave to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast,or the number of his name.Here is wisdom.Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast,for it is the number of a man:His number is 666"(Rev 13:15-18).This scripture clearly states that during the Great Tribulation period,the Antichrist will have a tremendous amount of influence and authority over the world economy.
He therefore commanded his false prophet to device a plan to inflict fear of being killed in people's life which causes people to receive a visible mark or the name or the number of the beast on the right hand or foreheads.Without this mark,no one can buy or sell anything.This mark symbolize the beast's monetary system and I'm not surprise that this mark works like a computer chip with all the imformation of such person being installed inside and implanted on them.The Antichrist will therefore be able to monitor every movement and whereabout of each person in the world via satelite.Carrying the mark of the beast,the name of the beast or his number "666" on the person right hand or foreheads is the ultimate satanic allegiance where judgement of God is final on them eternally :"And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever;and they have no rest day of night,who worship the beast and his image,and whoever receives the mark of his name"(Rev 14:11).The mark"666"is man's number for man was created by God on the six day (Gen 1:31).Since this is a triple six numbers,this mark is saying that the beast,the Antichrist is only a mere man but want to become a God.What an ultimate blasphemy!
At the end of the seven years of tribulation,the Lord Jesus Christ return to earth,
appearing physically on the clouds in heaven together with his armies of saints.Upon seeing Christ glorious return,the Antichrist organize all his armies to make war with Christ on earth.Jesus will be triumphant and the Antichrist together with his False prophet will be captured and be cast into the lake of fire.Thus is the end of Antichrist reign and his ending.John the prophet saw this vision and wrote :
"And I saw the beast,the kings of the earth,and their armies,gathering together to make war against Him who sat o the horse and against His army.Then the beast was captured and with him the false prophets who worked signs in his presence,by which he deceived the mark of the beast and those who worship his image.These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.And the rest were killed with the sword which proceed from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse.And all the birds were filled with their flesh"(Rev 19:19-21)
In conclusion,the Antichrist is a real personality,a real man of sin,the evil genius that will be reveal just after the rapture of the saints .His presence will trigger the beginning of the seven years Tribulation period on the day he sign the peace treaty with Israel.We now know that he is raise and born in Greece,rose to dominate with power over Iran,set up his headquaters in Iraq where he rule even Egypt,Libya and Ethiopia.He will have the support of ten kings/nation from the European nations which resides within the confine of the old roman empire and thus he will become the ultimate world dictator with a one world government,one world religion who have an absolute control over the world's politic,economy,military and religion.His time will come to an end when Christ come down to earth an destroy his empire and thus Christ will set up His millennium Kingdom,while the Antichrist will serve his eternal punishment in the lake of fire forever and ever.Maranatha!Come Lord Jesus.
1 John 4:3"
and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God.And this is the spirit if the Antichrist,which you have heard was coming and is now already in the world"