EARTHQUAKES AND FLOOD,a combination of natural disaster was prophesied by our Lord and Daniel.We are seeing today that whenever an Earthquakes occur a "Tsunami"/Huriccane /Flood warning will be declared.Before the rapture of the Church and prior to the 7 years Tribulation period,EARTHQUAKES AND FLOOD will occur in various places just as Jesus had predicted.These prophesy is being fulfilled right in front of us this year,2010.Since January ,we have seen great earthquakes in various places and Tsunami Flood.
(1)January 3,2010-a 7.1magnitude earthquake hits the Solomons Island,resulting Tsunami Flood measuring 10 feet,which destroyed 200 homes and over 1000 homeless in Rendova Island.
(2)January 12,2010-Earthquake at 7.0M hit Haiti,leaving over 500,000 dead and also triggered Tsunami flood.
(3)February 27,2010-a 8.8 magnitude Earthquake hit Chile-leaving over 700 dead with great catastrophic disaster.
(4) March 8.2010- A 6.0magnitude earthquake struck at eastern Turkey TODAY killing over 51 people leaving many in fear and panic.
Jesus said that these occurances are only the beginning of sorrows and the worst disaster is yet to come such as wars,famine and pestilence.Men are experiencing this sorrow toward the end.God is speaking to us to turn to Him as sins abound and satanic forces are at work in these last day.Let us all pray for these nations and bare witness to the Gospel of salvation that in Christ,there is a blessed hope ,salvation and protection.Offer our aid and hand to these victims with our prayer or any means of contribution.We are living in a borrowed time of the Last days.
As I scrolled and visited this posting today (October 27.2011),a few days ago, Thailand capital City,Bangkok has been hit by the worse FLOOD in the history of the Nation and has put even Thailand Prime Minister on great alert.Thousand flees Bangkok for fear of such surging flood that will continue for weeks.Properties worth Million are reported loss.Bangkok,the heartbeat of Thailand will never be the same again for the unthinkable event has happened this month and God do permit this to occur to such Buddhist nation until they began to open up their heart for Jesus Christ to be the Lord of this land.
Thai men use makeshift boats to leave a flooded area in Bangkok Oct. 26, 2011. (AP Photo)
Cars are parked on an overpass to avoid damage from flooding in Bangkok, Thailand on Monday, October 24, 2011.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2096550,00.html#ixzz1byc5jlW3
Cars are parked on an overpass to avoid damage from flooding in Bangkok, Thailand on Monday, October 24, 2011.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,2096550,00.html#ixzz1byc5jlW3
I see that many nations in Asia will suffer such devastation from a gigantic FLOOD in years especially nations who do not worship the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob.God is shakening many nations and chastening them,because He love them so that they may turn to the true protector of peace,Jesus Christ.Jesus Has predicted and there will be earth quake everywhere,and even war within the nations (Mathew 24:6-7).We have just seen this month (October ,2011) the fall of Lybian dictactor the late Muanmar Ghadaffi in the hand of his own countryman where thousands were killed in this domestic war casualties.This is another blueprint of the Red Horse of Revelation,a war spirit,where their own people will kill each other (Revelation 6:4).This is another 'signs' or the early birth-pang of Christ second coming.There will be no peace in a nations which not receive the Prince of Peace,Jesus Christ as the Lord of the Land.Come Lord Jesus!MORE PHOTOS CLICK THIS LINK
Great Blog, Jesus is Lord, he is coming soon !!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you bro.Carlos.Thank you and hope you'll be more bless to read all my posting.Maranatha
ReplyDeleteI thirst for knowledge of God's word. I learn something new every day. Thank you for sharing this information with the world. I look forward to reading your teaching. This has been a blessing to me. Let me know when you post something new. BE BLESSED!!
Edith Brown Grevious
Hello Edith.Sure I will be posting more as the Holy Spirit continue to inspires me to write.Be bless too!