The Book of Revelation is the unveiling mystery of the End Times by our Lord Jesus Christ.It's my earnest desire to present this apologetic studies on "Apocalypse"so much so that even a simple and plain laymen christian can easily understand without so much theological idioms or jargon added.I'm also presenting my reflection on End-Time (Eschatology),Bible Prophecy and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.I also will be posting much needed inspired teaching from many portion of the OT/NT scriptures for the saint to feed upon.Remember,Christ said :"Man cannot live on bread alone,but on every word of God that proceeded from the mouth of God".


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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Teach me how to pray LORD!

I am a prayer man and I can’t live for a moment without praying and worshiping God in my prayer closet.I am an intercessor,a priest being called in the order of Melchizedek where Jesus Christ in heaven is my great High priest that forever serve to intercede for all of us(Hebrew 7:25).In Hebrew ,we read : “And having been perfected,He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.called by God as High priest “according to the order of Melcizedek,”(Hebrew 6:9-10-NKJV)

MANY TIMES I would be lost in my personal prayer life and there come a time when I do not even know what to pray or how I ought to pray.Then the Spirit of Christ would bring me to Christ,where He would again remind me on how to pray…”Oh blessed Saviour,Yeshua Hamashiach(Jesus the Christ)teach me to pray!
“Lord,teach us to pray,as John also taught his disciples.” So He said to them,”When you pray,say :
Our Father in heaven,Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come,
Your will be done
On earth as it is heaven.
Give us day by day our daily bread
And forgive us our sins,
For we also forgive everyone
who is indebted to us
And do not lead us into temptation
But deliver us form the evil.”

(Luke 11:2-4-NKJV)
Do I pray in tongues ?Aaah..YES!Since the day when Jesus Christ baptize with with the Holy Ghost in the early 80′s,I have never stop speaking and praying in tongues.Speaking and praying in tongues It edify and recharge my spirit man,knowing that the Holy Ghost within me ‘help’me to pray in spirit.Paul was inspired to write:
“He who speak in a tongue edifies himself,but he who prophesies edifies the church “(1 Cor 14:4-NKJV).
Paul further teaches us : “What is the conclusion then?I will PRAY with the spirit (praying in tongues)and I will also PRAY WITH THE UNDERSTANDING(known tongue languages like English & so forth) .I will sing with the spirit (singing in tongues).and I will also sing with the understanding”(1 Corinthians 14:15-NKJV).
As a chosen royal priest in the kingdom of God,its our sacrificial duty to intercede for others (Revelation 1 :6b).The Holy Spirit is ever presence within us inspiring and helping us to intercede in our prayer.Roman 8:26-28 says : “Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses,for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought,but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is,because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God “(KJV)
The word “Groaning”here in the Greek is root word is “stenagmos” which simply mean “to sigh”.To ‘sigh’means:” to lament; to grieve.A deep and prolonged audible inspiration or respiration of air, as when fatigued or grieved; the act of sighing”( time the Spirit of God in me keep stirring within the pitch of my stomach(spirit man)that I often uttered a “sigh”with such audible respiration of air,because if I don’t release such sigh,it will bubbled within my innermost being which make me continually feel a heavy weight in my heart till I desire to release such ‘sigh’through my esophagus and mouth.Groaning in the spirit is the manifestation the Holy Ghost,where He come upon to stir your spirit man to worship and pray and intercessory prayer often without any word spoken,save only an utterance of tongues or a “sigh” of deep groaning which un-uttered words.The best way to release such ‘groaning’in the Spirit is by praying and speaking in tongues.And what a joy to pray in tongues.What a joy to intercede and what a joy to sigh in groaning by the Spirit!
I thank God that I speak and pray in tongues more than most of us.(1 Cor 14;18)I can speak over seven kind of heavenly languages ,such utterance given by the holy Ghost and I spoke one African language as His gift of tongue,though I never learn such language.BUt when it come to prayer with understanding.I will often need His will to develop such “prayer with understanding-I pray in English,Malaysian and my mother tongue tribal language -Kadazan Language.The “Lord’s prayer”become my based to pray with the “understanding”and for many time,such prayer has lifted up my very soul.Glory!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The next level -Ministry to African Malaysia

Dated February 10-12,2012
During my recent ministry,I was invited as a speaker to RCCG church of Malaysia Chapter.The Redeemed Christian Church is a Nigerian African based church who has 25 parishes here in Malaysia.The host pastor.Dr.P.H.Bamaiyi,who celebrated their 1st year Annivesary ,the Sri Serdang Selangor parish has invited me as the guest speaker for this historic meeting (Feb 10-12.2012)I am so humbled seeing many African pastors has embraced and welcome my presence within African church/communities in Malaysia.I told them all that African churches in Malaysia are part of Malaysian body of Christ and I am the first to embrace African Malaysian diaspora communities in His kingdom here in my country.It was estimated that there are over 15,000 African in my country (Siero loen,uganda,Ghanian,Mozambique,Kenya,Cameroon,Nigerian).
It was such a joy ministering to African saints here in Malaysia.God is good to all saints in regard to racial background.We are all one body of Christ.when the Spirit of the Lord is presence,there will be a unity in the spirit (A video of commendation will be available soon to be posted)
“For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body-whether Jews or greeks,wether slaves or free and have all been made to drink into one Spirit “

These are some African pastors who attended this meetings

Me and the host pastor,Dr.P.H.Bamaiyi (RCCG sri serdang)