The Book of Revelation is the unveiling mystery of the End Times by our Lord Jesus Christ.It's my earnest desire to present this apologetic studies on "Apocalypse"so much so that even a simple and plain laymen christian can easily understand without so much theological idioms or jargon added.I'm also presenting my reflection on End-Time (Eschatology),Bible Prophecy and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.I also will be posting much needed inspired teaching from many portion of the OT/NT scriptures for the saint to feed upon.Remember,Christ said :"Man cannot live on bread alone,but on every word of God that proceeded from the mouth of God".
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Saturday, February 6, 2010
ACTS 2:17-18"And it shall come to pass in the last days,says God,That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;Your Sons and your daugthers shall prophesy,you young men shall see visions and you old men shall dream dreams.."
Before I continue to share with you about the many facets and teachings on the Book of Revelation,allow me to share my personal testimony regarding my apostolic and prophetic call from God.There is a word in the scripture written in the Book Number 12:6 where God said
“If there is a PROPHET among you,I the LORD, make Myself known to him in a VISION,I speak to him in a DREAM”.
I have received many visions from God and many time God spoke to me in dreams.This particular scripture (Num 12:6)became a ‘Rhema’word from God to me in 2007. It was delivered by a man of God,a prince (Prince David Dokuro) from Africa where his christian father King Dokuro is the ruler of a state called Bayelsa in Nigeria,Africa.Prince David told me that when he came to study here in Malaysia, God spoke to him that He will send a man,a prophet who receive revelation and word of God in vision and dream.Then he said to me : “You are that man whom God said to come “
A few months after that,I had the privilege to attend a Holy Ghost meeting in kuala Lumpur conducted in a local church(River of life Sanctuary Church).It was a 3 days seminar in which the main speaker was an apostolic minister,Dr. John Tatselo from America.While he was teaching the topic on ‘The person Holy Spirit’. I heard an audible voice of God spoke to me so clearly saying “I want you to teach this”(That is The Holy Spirit).During the meeting,Dr.Tetsola also called on me and gave a personal prophecy in which the Holy Spirit inspired him to confirmed many words that God has spoken to me regarding my apostolic and prophetic calling.
Since then, I’ve never at one time stop teaching about the blessed Person Holy Spirit, His divine attributes, His works, His manifestation of Gifts and His divine Power. This is the divine apostolic call in my ministry. The Holy Spirit of God has been sent out into all the earth.You and I as a body of Christ need Him as never before in these last days. Amen!
God desires to reveal Himself to every individual ‘Born again’ Christian so that you may know what God’s divine plan and purposes are to us individually and for the church corporatively. We are living in the last days,the last great move of the Holy Spirit on this planet earth.Jesus Christ is coming to rapture His Church. Let’s get ready for Him.
In the book of ACTS 2:1-4(NKJ) its says“When the day of Pentecost had fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they where sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire and one sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance”
Upon seeing this spiritual phenomenon,the apostle Peter said:“But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: “And it shall come to pass in the last days says God. That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh...
1.Your sons and daughters shall PROPHECY(Telling forth the divine counsel-AMP).
2.Your young men shall see VISION (Divinely granted appearances-AMP)
3.your old men shall dream DREAM DREAMS(Divinely suggested-AMP))
4. And on my men servant and on My maidservant. I will pour out My Spirit in those days and they shall PROPHESY"
ACTS 2:17A “Your sons and daughters shall PROPHECY(Telling forth the divine counsel-AMP).
Prophecy is gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose of God. Prophet Kenneth Hagin in his book “how to be led by the Holy Spirit” said that Prophecy is ‘the supernatural utterance in known tongues’ This is one of the Revelational Gift of the Holy Spirit(1 COR 12:10-“ another PROPHECY).Prophecy is an inspired utterance of known words and vocally communicated by words of mouth as led by Holy Spirit. God uses this revelation to be in touch and in contact with our physical realm
(I) Speak to men for their up building, constructive(EDIFICATION) spiritual progress and encouragement (EXHORTATION) and consolation(COMFORT) 1 COR 14:3 “But he who prophesies speak edification and exhortation and comfort to men”
(II) 1 COR 14:4 “He who speaks in a tongues edifies himself, but he who PROPHESIES edifies the church” Edify means to improves the church and promote growth in Christian wisdom, purity, holiness and happiness
PROPHET: “Prophetia” Signify –To speak (Phemi) forth(Pro)the mind and counsel of God. “Prophetes”- One who speak forth or openly –interpreter of the oracles of God
ACTS 11:27-28- Prophet Agabus showed by the Holy Spirit that there was going to be a great famine throughout all the world
ACTS 21:10-11 “..a certain prophets named Agabus came down from Judea. When he had come to us he took Paul’s belt, bound his own hands and feet and said “Thus said the Holy Spirit, so shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt….”
ACTS 21:8-9 Philip the evangelist had four virgin daughters who prophesied. These ladies were inspired by the Holy Spirit to prophesy but it doesn’t mean that they are Prophets of God.
Just like how the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinthians (1 COR 14:39) he said “desire earnestly to prophesy and do not forbid to speak with tongues” I also encourage all God's saints to prophesy.
ACTS 2:17B “ Your young men shall see VISION”
Greek word for vision is‘HORAMA’ which mean ‘That which is seen”.It also means ‘HORAO’ which means ‘Spectacular sight, an appearance’.DIVINE VISION from God is another dimension of revelation from God the Holy Spirit. DIVINE VISION FROM GOD touches and in contact with the HUMAN SPIRIT.There are three category of divine VISION
LUKE 1:26-8 “Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth..(Verse 28)…And having come in the angel said to her, ‘Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women!’ But when she saw him she was troubled at his saying and considered what manner of greeting this was…”.Open vision is when God divinely revealed His will in a manner whereby we are conscious, we are in our normal state of mind and we are fully aware of our surrounding. It’s just like someone whom you know and saw physically as normal as it is and yet it was a divine revelation from God. Mary saw the angel of God coming to her house just like the way she normally see a person. This is an open vision. Mary saw and talk to the angel Gabriel openly, clearly and aware of his present.
The apostolic call of the Apostle Paul was through a divine open VISION: In ACTS 26:12-19 Paul testified to King Agrippa by saying “While thus occupied, as I journeyed to Damascus with authority and commission from the chief priests.” at midday, O king, along the road I saw a light from heaven, brighter that the sun, shining around me and those journeyed with me.” And when we all had fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew language,”Saul,Saul why are you persecuting Me?It is hard fro you to kick against the goads’. So I said ‘Who are you Lord?’ And He said, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting’. But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both to the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you. I will deliver you from the Jewish people as well as from the Gentiles,to whom I now send open their eye,in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of satan to God,that they may receive forgiveness of sins and inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me”(verse 19)Therefore, King Agrippa I was not disobedient to the heavenly VISION
Special Vision is a divine revelation given to a specific person. ACTS 9:7 says that that “…the men who journeyed with him(Paul) stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one” Jesus said: “Many are called but few are chosen” God chose a person to receive such special vision for some divine will and purpose. Not all receive such special vision . Many Apostles and Prophets of God are normally chosen by God to received a special revelation in vision.
Apostle Paul had the privilege receive a special vision by being caught up to the 3rd heaven and paradise.
2 COR 12:1-2 verse 4(NKJ) “It is doubtless not profitable fro me to boast. I will come to VISION and REVELATIONS of the Lord. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago. Whether in the body I do not know or whether out of the body I do not know. God knows. Such one was caught up to the third heaven…..(Verse 4)…”how he was caught up into paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not law full for man to utter.”
Acts 11:4-10 “But Peter explained it to them in order from the beginning, saying: “I was n the city of Joppa praying; and in a TRANCE I saw a VISION, an object descending like a great sheet, let down from heaven by four corners; and it came to me. When I observed it intently and considered, I saw four footed animals of the earth, wild beast, creeping things and birds of the air.” And I heard a voice saying to me’ Rise Peter; kill and eat”
Apostle Peter saw a vision but it was symbolically revealed to him. He saw a great sheet coming down from heaven and in it he saw wild animals.Peter heard a voice, telling him to kill and eat those unclean animals. Peter saw a vision in a trance. It was only later that God revealed to him about how such ‘unclean’ gentiles nation will God cleanses, sanctified and become the chosen people of God.
ACTS 2:17C “your old men shall dream DREAMS (Divinely suggested-AMP).Greek word “HALOM” mean a normal dream that dream when we sleep. Our body totally at rest but our soul (mind) is invaded by a recollection or reflection of imagination or spiritual interference. Our mind is somehow expose to the spirit world whereby often time evil spirit will invade human mind in dreams if he is not a ‘born again’ Spirit filled person .Divine dream from God is another level of revelation in whereby God come invade and in contact with our soul(Mind)
Let us look at Joseph, Mary’s husband. God send His angel to him and spoke to him in a dream .
Matt 1:20 “But while he though about these things, behold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying ‘Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife”
Matt 2:13 “Now when they had departed, behold an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying “Arise, take the young child and His mother ,flee to Egypt…”
Matt 2:19 “Now when Herod was dead, behold an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt…”
Matt 2:22b “…And being warned by God in a dream, he turned aside into the region of Galilee. And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, “He shall be called a Nazarene”
Daniel 7:1-2 “In the first year of Belshazzar King of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and vision and vision of his head while on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream ,telling the main facts. Daniel spoke saying,” I saw in my vision by night…”
MY APOSTOLIC CALLNot until I received a divine Vision from God in dream,I wouldn't be able to comprehend on whether this two verses should be understood literally on symbolically
Rev 4:6 “Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal…”
LUKE 22:29-30 “And I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me, “that you may eat and drink at My table in My Kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel”
But now I understood it clearly.I just went to bed on the 9th of May,2007 night without any divine encounter expectation, nevertheless I was in the attitude of prayer.I though I had a dream, a divine dream from God,but this time is was different.All of the sudden,I sense my spirit man left my body and going up with such speed immideately I found myself in heaven and precisely inside a big House with a big hall.I found myself sitting on chair with a long square TABLE which was covered with a long white table cloth.I just had a knowing within me that I am sitting somewhere in the third heaven,in some section of the Father's house at a main hall where Jesus once said about it (John 14:2)
Sitting next to and opposite on my right was Kenneth E.Hagin,the prophet of God.He was resting a smiling with full of content.Its been over 20 over years since I got hold of Rev.kenneth's book and magazines.I have not updated myself with the ministry of Kenneth E.Hagin.After this vision,out of curiosity and I began to do search as to what has happened to bro.Hagin.Only then I knew that he went to be with the Lord in 2003.I began to seek upon the Lord for such a spiritual significant as to why I was sitting beside this great prophet of God,Rev.Kenneth E.Hagin in heaven.The Holy Spirit of God then revealed to me of my ministry calling and that I was called to be the Apostle of Jesus Christ)
You see, in heaven this foundational apostolic and prophetic ministers will sit side by side.Praise God He has reserved for me my chair to sit in the table of Christ.
Now before us I saw there was a very big wide screen sea of glass a clear as crystal.The Bible mentioned this in the book of revelation.
“Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal…Rev 4:6.On this vision,I can see down the earth through this BIG SCREEN SEA OF GLASS some activities down the earth. On this particular occasion, I saw thousands of congregation worshiping God in a very big hall or church.Then I saw Rev.Pastor.Kenneth Hagin Jr, ministering to this church.He was preaching and teaching his congregation .
I believed it was Rhema Bible church located in Tulsa, Oklahoma where this church was founded by the late Kenneth E.Hagin.Now I know why Prophet Hagin was smiling here in heaven. He must be so proud and happy seeing his son and grandsons are still down there pastoring this family church. Pastor Kenneth Hagin Jr. then began to minister walking down all over the building praying and laying hand on the people.I was just watching there with excitement.Many people are touch by God.There was such joy and spiritual release upon the people.
After pastor.Hagin finished ministering,all of the sudden,I saw someone standing in front of us only about 5 meter from where I was sitting.Instantly,I know it was the Lord Jesus Christ.I saw Him very clearly from his left hand side and from His back.He was looking at the thousands of congregation down below through the sea of glass screen.His head and hair where white like wool(mix with a light black hair)His hair was glowing and with beard. He was wearing a white robe down to the His feet and He is so well build.
His hair was slightly curly wave and perfectly comb backward and not like the kind of hair style(Straight that we use to see on the so-called picture ‘icon’ of Jesus) He began to speak to the congregation down the earth.I was able to see this church listening so attentively while Jesus was speaking.For some reason,I was not able to hear what He was trying to speak.I guess Jesus was giving a personal word to this particular church in which I was not allowed to hear.
My eyes was just glued to Jesus as He was speaking and walking to and fro in front of us.I can see His mouth and expression that He was encouraging and admonishing the church down there.After Jesus had finished talking,I saw a group of youths clothed in white and red coming into the father’s house hall from the left hand side door.They began to do some sort of heavenly dance and performance gracefully accompanied with heavenly music.
Upon completion,everybody then kneel down to worship Jesus.I was also kneeling down worshiping my saviour.Then I saw a group of white clothed angelic servants coming in the hall house from the same door on my left.Each of this angel was carrying a big silver type of big plate upon their head.On the plate I saw variouses of fresh and delicious foods .I saw them all carrying and putting them in the middle of the hall and on our table. It consist of all fresh juicy fruits.I guess they got it from the garden of paradise.I can’t forget this fresh juicy moist green grapes.I found my self now participating in this great feast of the Lamb of God.I’m now sitting on a chair with this long table clothed in white cloth in the kingdom of the Son of God,Jesus Christ our Lord.
Now only I know this verse in the scripture in LUKE 22:29-30 in whereby Jesus was saying “And I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me, “that you may eat and drink at My table in My Kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel” Seeing Jesus after such a long time (Over 24 years) and seeing this occasion,I began to sob and cry uncontrollably.I was so humbled before God for letting me to come to His present that I found myself still sobbing when I woke up and came back to my earthly body.This vision of Jesus and I was so touch by His grace and mercy.
Friday, February 5, 2010

In my previous posting,I've mentioned that we are living in the spiritual waiting time frame period called the rapture.Let us examine what the Bible say about this significance end time event.First of all,let me share with you the very word of Jesus prior to His departure and death on the cross.Jesus said
"Let not your heart be troubled;you believe in God,believe also in Me.In My Father's house are many mansions;if it were not so,I would have told you.I go to prepare a place for you.I will come again and receive you to Myself;that where I am,there you may be also"(John 14:1-3)
Jesus mentioned that one of His divine purpose to go back to heaven is to prepare a place for every believer.Yet He also promises to come back again and to receive His disciples unto Himself.Notice carefully how the apostle Paul elaborate this event when he said that "the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout...".The Lord Jesus Christ will physically come down from heaven and together with God's angels,He will be standing in the mid-air waiting for all the saints to come and meet Him in the air.His powerful commanding voice will bring life to the dead in Christ to rise up from the ground and together with the living ones,they will be caught up by the power of the Holy Spirit to meet the Lord in the air.
This is the first phase of His second coming come and to "Rapture" the saints of God from this earth(Rev 4:1).The second phase of His second coming again will be the so called "Glorious appearing"(Rev 19:11-21)whereby He together with the saints will come down to earth to face the battle or Armageddon(Rev 19:17-19) just after the seven years tribulation period have ended.Let me stress seriously that only those who are Spirit filled,God's fearing believers who live a holy life will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air.On the other hand,the lukewarm christian,those worldly carnal christian,those who compromise their lifestyle between with the work of the flesh shall be left behind and will go through the seven years tribulation period.
The greek word for "Caught up" is "harpagesometha"is "being snatched from"and this is the same synonymous word that was use to describe how Philip the evangelist was "Caught away"by the Spirit of the Lord after he successfully ministered and baptized a gentile Ethiopian Eunuch.In Acts 8 :39 says "Now when they came up out of the water,the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away,so that the eunuch saw him no more...".Notice the word "caught Philip away".In the greek translation it is "herpasen"which also means "Snatch away".
I was drawn by Holy Spirit to see how Philip was so obedient to His Voice,how sensitive he was to His leading and that it was the Holy Spirit's anointing power that causes Philip to be raptured/snatch/caught away.

The same thing with the apostle John.John look up a saw a door standing open in heaven and then he heard the Lord's voice calling unto him "Come up here,and I will show you things which must shortly take place after this" (Rev 4:1).what happen to John next was that he said"Immediately I was in the Spirit;and behold a throne set in heaven and One sat on the throne"(Rev 4:2).The word "I was in the Spirit"in the greek translation is "egenomen"or "came to be".When we are filled with the Holy Spirit,we are so full of His presence that we become totally under the control of His will and power.The apostle John was totally under the control of the Holy Spirit and just like Philip,suddenly he was snatch away,raptured or caught up by the Spirit to heaven.I'm therefore convinced in my heart that only a Spirit filled believer who live a life of absolute obedience to God and live a sanctified life will be raptured by the Lord Jesus to meet Him in the air.Woe unto those christian who are left behind!
When all Spirit filled believers are caught up to heaven,the seven years of great tribulation will occur on earth.I will narrate the details of such important prophetic events that will occur during these seven years period in my next posting.In a nutshell,during the seven years tribulation period
1.The seven seal of Judgments will be revealed (Rev 6:1-17)
2.The seven Trumpet Judgements will be pour out (Rev 8:1-9:21)
3.The seven Bowl Judgments shall be revealed (Rev 16:1-21)
Just as what I've mentioned before,the rapture of the saints will triggers a host of prophetic events that are prophesied in the Book of Revelation.Let us all be wacthfull and have a repentance of heart,living in obedience to God's commandments, for blessed are those who are pure in heart,for shall see God!(Matt 5:8)
Thursday, February 4, 2010
The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ

"The revelation of Jesus Christ,which God gave him to show his servants things which must shortly take place..."Rev 1:1a (NKJV)
The final canon book of the new testament is the Book of Revelation,being written by the Apostle John the son of Zabedee.To me,the apostle John is also a prophet of God being preserved by our Lord Jesus to receive the End-time revelation .John was the last surviving apostle who suffered a great prosecution during the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian,who rule from A.D.81 to A.D.96.He was banished as an exile to the isle of Patmos,just a few miles from Ephesus because of his "testimony of Jesus Christ and the word of God"(Rev 1:2).During Domitian reign,all Christians are considered the "enemy the state"since they don't worship or acknowledge the emperor as divine.
John was in his late 90's when Jesus Christ commanded him to write the book of revelation and send it to the seven churches in the Asia Minor where he was an overseer.These seven churches thus symbolically represent the end time churches or followers of Jesus Christ in which we are living today. I always have my deep respect to many groups of theological interpretation such as the preterist,historical and spiritual interpreters.Nevertheless,I'm convinced that I'm within the same fold with the "Futurist interpreters"because I believe that the book of the apocalypse is a prophetic revelation in nature particularly from chapter 4 onwards.The first chapter is the opening key of such view when many "..things which must shortly take place..." (Rev 1:1a) This verse clearly shows that some major end time events are going to happen shortly sometime in the future and that Jesus is going to reveal it to John to be recorded in his writing.
I'm also a believer of the Rapture doctrine i.e.the "snatching away/caughting away"of the saints by the power of Holy Spirit to heaven.I believe every Spirit filled believer will be Raptured that will usher the beginning of the 7 years tribulation period.Thus,I believed in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture theory more than the so called Mid-Tribulation and Post-Tribulation rapture theories.The rapture is the key that will trigger the series of chronological end time prophetic events that are forecast in the book of revelation.I will later exegete this great book throughout this blog with the hope that every reader will be able to grasp God's divine will and purpose for every christian believer to be ready to meet the Lord and behold him who " is coming with clouds and every eye will see him,even they who pierce him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him,even so.Amen"(Rev 1:7)
With this in mind,I often pondered myself that in accordance to God's time where does the year 2012 stand in God's time frame?I earnestly believe that we are still within the time frame of the rapture waiting period!When the rapture time come..." the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout,with the voice of an archangel,and with the trumpet of God.And the dead in Christ will rise first.Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the air.And thus we shall always be with the Lord" (I Thes 4:16-17)
God's time frame can be divided into three part .Let's start with this year 2012,so that we may know where are we in God's timing
1.RAPTURE YEARS OF WAITING PERIOD:From the year 2012 until the RAPTURE of the saints, no one know when is the rapture time.
2. SEVEN YEARS TRIBULATION : After the rapture has occurred ,there will be a seven years of tribulation on earth.
3.MILLENNIUM REIGN OF CHRIST:After the seven years have passed,Christ and his saints will come down to earth reign for a one thousand years
Within this three time frame,all the prophetic events that are written in the book of revelation shall come to pass and we will fit in all this events into this three time frame period.The end time revelation of Jesus Christ will be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit and we shall know the truth of God's word and it will set us free.There is a special blessing being promised to them who passionately read this book .All scriptures of God will bring blessing whenever we read it,but the book of revelation is the only one that promises special blessing to those " who read and those who hear the word this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it,for the time is near" (Rev 1:3)
The AMP bible said it this way : "Blessed(happy,to be envied)is the man who reads aloud(in the assemblies)the word of this prophecy...."Read the book of revelation out loud till you very ear hear you own voice for in ti,the blessing of God rest upon you.
The AMP bible said it this way : "Blessed(happy,to be envied)is the man who reads aloud(in the assemblies)the word of this prophecy...."Read the book of revelation out loud till you very ear hear you own voice for in ti,the blessing of God rest upon you.
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