In Matthew 25:14-27,Jesus used this great parable of Himself being a Master who travel to a far country(Heaven)and thus called His servants(all the saints of God)and gave them a TALENTS(MONEY) according to their capabilities(measure of faith).Verse 9,said that"After a long time the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them"I believed we all will going to give account for all the works that we have done on earth on the Judgemant day of the saints at the last days (Rev 2:23.
In Verse 24 Jesus mentioned "...Then he who received the ONE TALENT came and said,"Lord,I knew you to be hard man,reaping where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered SEED.'And I was afraid and went and hide your talent in the ground.Look there you have what is yours."(Haggai 2:8)"But his Lord answered and said to him,'You wicked and lazy servant,you knew that I reap where I have not sown,and gather where I have not scattered seed.'So you ougth to have deposited MY MONEY with the bankers,and at My coming I would have received back my own with INTEREST"
To all Christian saint who are richly blessed in finances but somehow reluctant to be in the Mission field or Fulltime Ministering,I would like to be your 'spiritual banker'for Jesus Christ whereby your SEED-TALENT-MONEY will you invest in our ministry to receive even hundredfold 'spiritual interest' blessing which is your GOOD WORKS and OFFERING GIFT to a man of God.To all my fellow ministers in Europe,US,UK and other Christian nations,I challenge you to help and support our ministry in this third world-Asia so that we can progress in the ministry.
I have been receiving many invitation to come and minister in Pakistan,
India,Indonesia,china and the Philippines but was always unable to do it because of lack of funding.There are a lot of works in this field that need to be done as we plan to conduct Healing Crusade,Holy Spirit seminar,Prophetic Conference,widow and orphanage fund.A pastor in India even called me to come as over 200 pastors are ready for a Pastor's conference.My heart goes out to them and told them that my ministry is a ministry of faith and I'm not good in fund raising for I don't want people to think negatively.I can only pray that God will speak and touch the heart of man to invest or sponsor our financial need.
Come and invest in us into the ministry of Preaching and Evangelizing the world with the Gospel of Salvation in Christ Jesus.I challenge you to prayerfully considered and make this decision to participate in my ministry via Donation/ financial investment TODAY.This is how you can invest to support me
ACCOUNT NO:80-0928065-7
Kindly email to us after you have bank in.(apostolicseer@Live.com.my)
You can also send donation via WESTERN UNION/MONEY GRAM under the receiver's name
Receiver : JAMIE R. SEER
Country : Thailand
(Kindly email to us particulars such as Sender's name,Address and the Western Union MTCN (10 Digit number) /Money Gram Referrence number) Email us at : apostolicseer@Live.com.my
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