The Book of Revelation is the unveiling mystery of the End Times by our Lord Jesus Christ.It's my earnest desire to present this apologetic studies on "Apocalypse"so much so that even a simple and plain laymen christian can easily understand without so much theological idioms or jargon added.I'm also presenting my reflection on End-Time (Eschatology),Bible Prophecy and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.I also will be posting much needed inspired teaching from many portion of the OT/NT scriptures for the saint to feed upon.Remember,Christ said :"Man cannot live on bread alone,but on every word of God that proceeded from the mouth of God".


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Saturday, March 19, 2011



Beloved saints of God.Today (March 19,2011) I received an email from a long time friend in the LORD which I believe the Holy Spirit inspired him to contact me.He must have been surprised to read my long reply,but its my joy to share my email reply so that you will also be bless reading it.Sincerely yours -Dr.JLoudin -Apostolic Seer:

From Brother James Yuen:Dated 19/03/2011 -(Source:from my FB inbox)

"Hi Dr Joh. How are you? Haven't heard from you for a long time. What's been happening with you? Meanwhile, if you have anything that you need help with, please feel free to ask and I'll see how best I can help.


Beloved brother James,

I'm fine and been very-very  busy in the Kingdom..seeking to know all His righteousness (Mat 6:33).Our Heavenly Father has commissioned me to invest 100% of my time now to His apostolic call and therefore I have positioned myself somewhere in the"Patmos"environment to just fast and earnestly pray persistently before the LORD for these past six months.This has been really my "spiritual desert"experience of test because the Father want me to understand that "Man shall not live by bread alone,but by every word that proceed from the mouth of God "(Mat 4:4)

Divine revelations and visions of the Spirit I have received and so does such spiritual responsibility that He had laid on my shoulder to share it to the Saints.Brother,I've been pouring so much time and energy in writings (I created 4 more ministry Blog ),studying God's word diligently,posting it down on my FB wall,blog and emails.As a web minister,I have been very busy:

1. Answering emails,posting inspired words on my FB wall,on my group wall (Holy Spirit school of ministry -English & BM ,Apostles & Prophets ministries network group) NOTE:Will "add"you today in this group

2.Chating with many saints who needed spiritual counsel -via facebook chat and WhatApps chat

3.Doing conference call whatApps through-out the globe by sharing with them even for hours- exhorting,comforting and edifying ministers to keep doing the work in the  ministry that the LORD have for them (Sometime even takes more than 2 hours just sharing God's word to one minister).

Every day I wake up as early as 3.00 a.m morning to worship and minister before the Lord.At 3.00 morning, Europe such as Sweden is early evening and so I need to sacrifice such time to share God's word to ministers via WhatApss even in Europe right up   until afternoon sharing to ministers like in India and the Philippines.

Oh...and yes,the LORD has really put my faith to the limit, to test and to purified it (James 1:2-5) until now.

I'm so happy to receive your email today because I believe the Holy Spirit has reminded you to write to me so that I may be encourage.I have never told any single soul of my personal needs, save I've been persistently praying before the Lord to supply all my needs (Philipians 4:19) because only our Father knows the needs of His servants.With that, I'm so glad that you have such spiritual sensitivity to discern my situation by the Spirit of God and bless your soul for such,my friend.
Indeed my friend, I need help in the area of my daily needs and even ministry need.Many ministers and pastors have ask me to minister in Pakistan,India,Africa and the Philippines in which I have always told them that I will go "AS THE LORD PROVIDE".And this has been my prayer that the Lord will supply my ministry's need.

Just as as the full-time apostles have spoken "It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve table .....but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word "(Acts 6:2 & 4).

Such support -donation/contribution/monthly faith pledge will really be a great help for me so that I will be able to continually  positioned myself in prayer and the ministry of the word.And Yes,even a man of God have  needs.
God must have heard my silent prayer:

"LORD,I don't know how much longer will I be able to sustain in this ministry of the word without any financial support.Please Holy Spirit,if this is your will for me,speak or touch the heart of yr people to support my needs,so that I can continue to serve You and yr saints".

Beloved brother in the Lord,I'm not good in asking people around for help or support my full time ministry,because I don't want God's people to misunderstand or have such impression that I have a wrong motive in asking for support.Jesus said "it is more blessed to give than to receive "(Acts 20:35b).And so I will only want to follow the spiritual law of "sowing spiritual things to God's saints to reap and such blessing from them .As Paul said "If we have sown spiritual things fr you,is it a great things if we reap yr material things?"( 1 Cor 9:11) 
For me,giving must be sincere and from the heart of free will,only then the Lord can bless us abundantly in return."A man who even give a cup of water to a prophet,will receive the prophet's reward"said Jesus our Lord

And so my good friend,here is my long reply to your curiosity as to what has happen to me all this while. I hope that you will not get bored reading my long reply beloved.Blessing to your family and I bless you for your God's love and concern 
His servant 
Bsp Joh SeerGeneral Overseer

WhatApps no : +66972318488

Note:May the Lord multiply your seed faith gift to my ministry.TT (Bank's Telegraph Transfer can be done to my 
Malaysia account :
Bank name : CIMB BERHAD
ACCOUNT NO:80-0928065-7
Kindly email to me after you have bank in so that I can know and pray to bless you

Sunday, March 13, 2011


John 15:26 "But the Helper,the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in My name,He will teach you all things,and bring to you remembrance all things that I said to you"

Make my day oh LORD!

Early this morning(2.00 a.m) I was still awake when one of my FaceBook friend,Gaius from Sweden came to chat online and ask for a prayer for his prophetic ministry.It end up we were on SKYPE's call/web-cam and talked/shared for almost two hours! What a joy to share God's word. I gave a prophetic word to both of them (His wife join in).I was impress in the Spirit to counsel them to study God's word diligently.I was then moved to demonstrate such ability of how the Holy Spirit as my greatest Teacher and divine reminder (John 14:26)that energizes our mind and spirit each time we meditate and read the Bible.

I read the entire chapter one of Revelation(Chapter 1) ,without even opening or looking at my bible(NKJ),but just read it out from my memory... word by word,verse by verse with 100% accuracy."That my friend"I told them "is how to read and meditate God word!.When we meditate it night and day,it become part of us and we live according to His word,fr the Spirit and the Word is one!"I concluded.Seeing me holding my close bible on web- cam,they were just "shocked"when I read the whole chapter of Revelation 4 again!.what a great God with serve and what a gift of the Holy Spirit.!I hope I can talk/chat more to all my FB friend all around the world!