The Book of Revelation is the unveiling mystery of the End Times by our Lord Jesus Christ.It's my earnest desire to present this apologetic studies on "Apocalypse"so much so that even a simple and plain laymen christian can easily understand without so much theological idioms or jargon added.I'm also presenting my reflection on End-Time (Eschatology),Bible Prophecy and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.I also will be posting much needed inspired teaching from many portion of the OT/NT scriptures for the saint to feed upon.Remember,Christ said :"Man cannot live on bread alone,but on every word of God that proceeded from the mouth of God".
“And when Paul had laid hands on them, The Holy Spirit came upon them, and they spoke with tongues and prophesied” GOD’S WORD: ACTS 19:6
Right after I’ve received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, I experienced a tremendous new power and confidence to do the works of God. I really want to share this newfound spiritual experience to my fellow Christian brothers and sisters in the Lord.
By then, I had joined a small prayer meeting group. The first thing I did was to approach what seems to be the leader of this group. I told her that not many days ago Jesus Christ baptized me with His Holy Ghost and this strange unknown tongue spoken out from my mouth. She was so excited too and told me that all the while she was searching for such experience and believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. But she needed someone to support and convince her to tell the rest of the group.
After telling and sharing her God’s word, she finally said, “I need to be baptize by the Holy Spirit! Can you lay hand and pray that Jesus filled me with His Holy Spirit?” And I did .I just pray to the Lord to fill her with the Holy Ghost... When I laid my hand on her, I felt the anointing flow and she began to tremble and speak in tongues. The Holy Spirit just filled her and from that day on I saw a great transformation in her personal life and ministry.
Today ,she still serve God as a leader in the church that I once planted in Sabah Malaysia.The rest of the group slowly accepted this new Pentecostal experience. Talking about ‘Catholic Renewal Charismatic’ movement in Sabah, this small catholic Christian group who experience the Baptism of the Holy Spirit pioneered this movement. Like John the Baptist, Jesus called me to ignite the fire of Pentecost and prepare them for His Spirit to work within their heart. It’s been years now and I saw big movement and wave of the Holy Spirit sweeping our entire nation. I called it ‘The Kadazan Charismatic movement’ in Sabah because many indigenous kadazandusun have experience the power of Pentecost since then.
Remembering those days, it’s been a humor before the Lord. At one time I was involved in the baptism of water. I preach about water baptism as a sign of total repentance and so a dozen of them were brought to a fresh clean river of Babagon Penampang (Sabah Malaysia) .As I laid hand and pray for them, the power of God just come upon them, so much so that they come under the power and plunge in straight into the water. So, I don’t need to help them to immerse!
I said ‘I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!’ .The Holy Spirit Himself was baptizing them with water! Here they go falling under the power and into the water! It’s an experience that I would never forget and the Holy Spirit was energizing my life lively. Years later, by faith I conducted a series of’ Mass Crusade on Revival and Healings ‘in few major towns. My banner carries this word ‘Jesus Christ heals you!’ Thousands came to these crusades
I was only 19 and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ .I have laid hand for many people to get healed by Jesus and did lay hand for many to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many came forward to witness how God healed them. I saw Jesus perform mighty miracles to the people, just as He did some two thousand years ago. The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk and it was a great joy seeing many turn to the Lord. It’s cost me a great price to do God’s work, but worth it.
Some mistakenly thought I’m a fanatic. Prior before conducting this series of “Healing crusade campaigns’ I went up to climb a well known holy mountain to our catholic community in Penampang. Every year, Catholics gather to climb on this journey called ‘the way of the cross’. On top of this mountain, a very big wooden cross was erected and it can be seen for miles. I went there and stayed for about a month alone to fast, pray and seek God’s will.
The Spirit of God showed me many mysteries but one of them was to conduct preaching campaigns and He will confirm His with signs following. I saw my self preaching the Gospel to thousand of people and saw the Glory of God coming down. Thus the healing ministries were born on that mountain. If you ask me whether I was afraid alone in the jungle and stayed on the top of the mountain for a month, I will tell you I was not, because God was there and His angels was there protecting me!
Some one notice my campfire in the night and rumors says it that somebody took a telescope and watch me praying and worshiping God on that mountain. The news spread out saying that I’ve gone crazy! I will tell you as you read this journal
I was so much in burden for my nation’s loose morality that whenever I prayed, I cried aloud before the Lord that revival will occur. Nobody can hear me crying loud before the Lord on this mountain and thus it’s just a perfect place for me with Jesus.With the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and knowing that He dwells in me, the Holy Spirit manifested His awesome power. My secret? THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Spirit of Jesus Christ
“But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God. That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh: Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young man shall see vision, your old men SHALL DREAM DREAMS….” ACTS 2:16-17
"Hear my words:'If there is a prophet among you,I the LORD make Myself known to him in a vision.I speak to him in a DREAM"( Numbers 12:6-NKJV)
"In My Father's house are many MANSIONS;if it were not so,I would have told you.I go to prepare a place for you(Jesus Christ - John 14:2-NKJV)
I am a seer prophet of the Lord Jesus Christ,a kind of prophet that "see"things by the Spirit in the spirit realm.The Holy Ghost often reveal the me the mind of God through divine visions and prophecy of the future,the past and even present.But most of all God has often reveal and spoke to me in a dream,just the way God has been revealing and speaking to Joseph the son of Jacob and Daniel the prophet.We also see how God speak to Joseph the husband of Mary by sending His angel to his "dream vision".When the LORD reveal or speak in a dream,there is now way we can create a scenario nor do we are accuse of creating an imagination out of it.When the Lord give me a dream,I just share my dream.There is no element of presumptuous prophecy or created imaginary scenario involved.I am at peace and I have no sense to worry or fear that God would judge me for telling such dream .Dream is beyond our sub-conscious mind and for those who are filled with the Holy Ghost,God can invade our mind and speak to our soul in a divine dream.This revelation is also called "night vision"because such revelation will only come to us,while we are sleeping especially during the night.
Having said that,let me share with you a real divine dream or "vision of the night" by the Holy Ghost to me.I use to have many God given dreams in my sleep. There is this ONE particular dream that I can’t forget even thought it’s been years. I’m fully convinced that it was a DIVINE DREAM given by the Holy Spirit of the Lord. With this particular dream, I was imparted with confidence and Faith in the Holy Spirit that my earthly family is taken care of by God.When Jesus said that in His Father's house there are many mansions,these heavenly mansions are actually a real "mansions"being prepared by the Lord as the saints their 'eternal home' in heaven.This 'mansion'is not symbolic or imaginary but a real place of rest,a home for us to abode in the new Jerusalem.This "mansion"is one of such heavenly reward that is being prepared for every child of God who has lead a live of doing God's work while on earth.I am telling you this now because I have personally seen my own mansion in heaven.As the matter of fact,it was my "generational family mansion".By the grace of God,the LORD has permitted me to see my mansion and in this ,I am glad.It was revealed by a divine dream from the Holy Ghost.Allow me to now to tell you my dream:
Years ago, I had a vision dream.This happened after I was filled with His Spirit (Baptism of the Holy Ghost).. My Dad was formerly a pagan but later converted into a catholic Christian religion.He I was a bit concern about my late dad's salvation for sometime now,because when the Lord released me to a mission field,my sister was used by God to bring him unto the Lord and he has been following my sister to attend a charistmatic church toward the end of his day.My late dad was a mix Chinese kadazan blood descendant from a “ Wong Loong” clans .My Chinese ancestors were historically originated from China,a place in the the area called "Foo Chow" in south mainland China. He once told me that my late grandfather, Monjulim who love to ride on a horse to and fro between the old town of Donggongon Penampang and my hometown Kg. Pinapah (Sabah, East Malaysia).Never would have I imagine that God was about to reveal to me my family mansion this has assured me that my late father is in heaven.
Allow me to share now this vision dream that God gave to me years ago.In this dream ,I saw myself located in my village and near my old family house( a place called ‘Tontoukon’) but I found myself above the ground, floating in the air and that I’m looking down.Down below,I saw a very big and wide field as the size of a football stadium. It was a plain ‘Padi(rice) field’ .While pondering,suddenly I saw a human figure walking all alone from a distance and he was going toward a certain direction or destination. As this man walk, I immediately recognized the manner in the way he walked.He was my father! He was walking hastily toward a certain direction and destination.
Then I saw something else .Another two human figures appeared out of nowhere and was following my father from a great distance. They were walking hastily and faster in trying to keep pace with my father.I recognize them both as they came nearer. They were my second cousins and both of them are not yet a born again Christian. Something tells me that they both represent the evil sins of our forefathers.I know their grandmother (My late father’s sister) was a practicing ‘bobohizan kampong’, a form of pagan medicine practitioner who uses charm and magic to cure people. As both sisters move faster towards my dad, I began to worry and I called upon him to warn of the danger that is coming toward him. But it seems that my dad can’t even hear my voice or even see because I was from above or rather in the realm of the spirit. I can see that both of these sister’s countenance shows angernes because my father never bothered them at all.
My father never stops or even turns around to see them shouting and calling him .Instead,he keep on walking hastily toward a certain destination. Suddenly, one of them took what looks like a sharp shinning kind of a weapon.It’s a 'boomerang'kind of shackle sharp knife. My heart was pounding hard as one of them threw this ‘weapon’ so hard and it flew towards and hovering over my father. It almost hit my dad’s head but misses it by inches
I knew that this sharp weapon could easily cut off somebody’s head because it was made from a hard kind of sharp iron steel. Again, it’s the other sister’s turn to attack and she also threw this weapon towards my father. It almost hit him again but somehow it misses. Finally they gave up because my father by then was walking even faster toward a certain destination. My spirit was then carried away to draw closer to my dad and I followed him closely as he finally reached to his destination.I now realized that we are no more on earth but somewhere in heaven.I know this for sure because,there was no more land or field seen and my father was walking toward another dimension.All I can say is that I was trailing my father closely behind on a "heavenly way" toward a certain place or destination.
As we get closer together to our destination,I began to see right in front of us a certain kind of a big building or "object", a strange building that was very unique. It looks like an “oval” shape tent style of a building and it glows brightly illuminating the surroundings.The radiance color was all in blue and white blaze.I now realized that this building turn out to be a very big house,a mansion to be exact that belong to someone. A door was opened and my father just walk-in confidently and comfortably to this great . I found myself too was now following him in.
Inside was filled with brilliant lights shining all over the place and there was a comforting kind of feeling. I felt at home and the present of the Lord. On my right and on my left I saw many beautiful furniture, with table and chairs and decorative items.All items was just glittering and shiny.This house was fully furnished and much space were available around and within and I was lost for while into its splendor and glory .It wall all white and shiny and the surrounding where all glittering blue.This house is more than just an ordinary family house.It is a big sizeable mansion to behold!I just had a knowing within that this is my family mansion because I have this sense of belonging here and very comfortable walking around this huge mansion. As I slowly walked and try to look for my dad, something draw me to look up and behold,I saw the most beautiful words written in a big white letters shining with a blue bright color background.It was clearly written above:“LOUDIN HOUSE GENERATION”.
I knew beyond the shadow of doubt now that this is the eternal home mansion of my family generation.Jesus did say that in heaven ,we all will live like an angel but it does not mean that we are not living with our family and relative.I did not find where did my father has gone into because like I said,this mansion was just so huge and I am yet to explore more of the room and space with a very limited time.I believe my dad was somewhere in some section of this mansion.Apart from my father,I have not yet met anyone or my family .I guess the Lord has not shown that to me yet.BUT I earnestly believe that whenever the "loudin"siblings are born again and receive salvation on earth,their name is written in the Book of life and thus when they earthly life"expire"their soul will go to heaven and will be share this family mansion in heaven.Then things just began to become physical again.I mean I was taken out from this mansion and woke up from this night vision dream.I woke up praising God! He has prepared an eternal house to stay for my family. Then I remembered the word of Peter in the scripture “Believe in Jesus, and you will be saved and YOUR FAMILY” (Acts 16:31)
I was totally lost in my family mansion for a while because I was still in "awe"seeing how beautifully decorated it was till I just woke up in the middle of that dream with a awesome feeling of thankfulness before the Lord.
Let me share a little bit about my late father.My father came to know Jesus Christ as His Savior and Lord shortly after that. My sister brought him to join a Spirit filled charismatic church! (My late father must have felt a different kind of experience because for the last 50 years, he has been a catholic all his life). My father attended my healing crusade in Penampang in the 80's and saw how God’s was using me to preach the Gospel and praying for the sick.He saw how God works with His mighty sign and miracles in my meeting. He is a quite patience man and in his last golden years, he live quietly and lonely especially after my mother passed away.
At one time, I was with him and he said to me “If only your mother was here”. I was helping him to get up from a fall one day. He looked sad and misses my mother. My father was very a hardworking man and was blessed with many properties consist of lands in which later everyone of us did share our portions. At one time he asked me to pray for his leg which has painfully bothered him. I knew then that he has confidence and trust in what I was doing in the Lord. He was proud to see his youngest son anointed by the Lord to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
His name was eternally engraved in our family house generation. Jesus said “In my Father’s house there are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). I’ve never told anyone this dream until now. But I’m so certain that its was a wonderful dream from the good Lord, just as the bible tell us that in the last days God will pour out His Spirit and old man shall DREAMS.(Acts 2:17)
Today, I’m 47 years OLD young telling you my dream, a divine vision dream of hope, faith and confidence that God love the Loudin’s family generation. He loves every family in the world and desires them to come into the kingdom of God’s big family.Your mansion is waiting for you in heaven and you shall be reward in accordance to the work that you have done here on earth.