Jesus said “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the
Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven”
It’s the hardest teaching to many Christian churches but sad to say, IT’S TRUE. Professing to know the Lord and calling upon His name does not guarantee you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven !I was one of them.Like the old Christian song says “I once was lost but now I’m found".I’m glad to proclaim Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and Lord today! Romans 10:8-10.I was born into a Roman Catholic family and baptized as catholic. I attended catholic Sunday church service, being confirmed and received the Holy Communion.
I went to a primary and secondary catholic mission school until at the age of 18.But really, I was never been a BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN(John 3:3) I was religiously calling upon him as my Lord but I’m still living with full of sinful habits. I was a weak religious Christian and yet a very proud religious catholic .Inwardly,I’m struggling to seek peace with God and tried to resist the temptation of the flesh but of no avail. That feeling of guilty conscience hunted me night and day that I was scared to die in hell. One day I just couldn’t bare this conviction any longer. Home alone, I knelt down and turn my eye on the picture of Jesus hanging on the wall (Note: I don’t believe in worshiping God in front of an image or picture, but readers should know that at this point of time, nobody taught or showed me the Bible way to worship God in the Spirit)
As I looked at it, my faith go beyond that picture and it just vanishes. Instead I saw Jesus looking at me with full of compassion and love.I cried aloud before the Lord, praying “Jesus, I’m so sorry for all my sinful habits and that I’ve sin.I really wanted to change my life but have no strength to resist. Help me oh God!” Then I felt a peace full feeling in my heart. The Lord Jesus did found me on that day as I repented from my sins .I ask my brother Justin if he could lend me a Bible as I told his something has happened within me. He did and from that day onward I began to read the bible with full of hungerness. It was new and fresh to me even though I’ve been hearing bible verses being read every Sunday in my church. What else could I say, God transformed my life. I saw more TRUTH in God’s Word (Bible).
Through His Word, I was introduced to the person Holy Spirit. By Him I was able to go on with my life today in His mighty strength and power. Doing the will of our Heavenly Father, I’m very sure to enter God’s eternal Kingdom of Heaven when my time comes. Praise be the name of the Lord!
God’s blessing often benefit people. But many of His promises are for His own children. If you’re not sure that you’re a part of God’s family, He offers you this invitation. The way to Christ is simple:
“For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” Romans 3:23
“For the wages of sin is death (eternal separation from God), but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” Romans 6:23
“If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” Romans 10:9-10
(King James Version ©2002 Barbour publishing, Inc.)
“Lord Jesus Christ, I confess with my mouth TODAY that you are my Lord and Savior. Repenting from all my sins, forgive me oh Lord for I am a sinner. Take away and wash my sins by your precious blood. Lord Jesus I believe in my heart that you died for the remission of my sins, but that you arose from the dead to give me eternal gift of life. I confess today that Jesus Christ is my Messiah, the Anointed one and that I now receive your gift of salvation!”Now get yourself a Bible. Read and obey it faithfully.
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