Revelation 6:1-8"
Now I saw when lamb open one of the seals;and I heard one of the four living creatures saying witha voice like thunder."Come and see."And I looked,and behold and white horse.He who sat on it had a bow;and crown was given to him,and he went out conquering and to conquer.When He opened the second seal,I heard the second living creature saying,"Come and see."Another horse fiery red went out.And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth,and that people should kill one another;and there was given to him a great sword.When He opened the third seal.I heard the third living creature say."Come and see."So I looked,and behold,a black horse,and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying,"A quarte of wheat for a denarius and thre quart of barley for a denarius;and do not harm the oil and the wine."When He opened the fourth seal,I heard the fourth living creature saying,"Come and see."So I looked,and behold,a pale horse.And the name of him who sat on it was Death,and Hades followed with him.And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth,to kill with sword,with hunger,with death and by the beast of the earth."The Book of Revelation was written to reveal things of the past,present and future events .Jesus Christ, the" Lamb of God"(John 1:29) as mentioned in Chapter six,was seen by John as the only one who was found worthy to open the future prophetic events that will take place sometime in the future..A scroll, written by God Himself and was sealed with seven seals is about to be open.(Rev 5:1-7).The first four seals that was loosen reveals the four awesome entities which are populary known by many prophecy scholars as the "Four horseman of the Apocalypse".These four entities can be interpreted both symbolically and literally.In Matthew 24:6-8,Jesus said that part of the beggining of sorrows or tribulation are "And you will hear of
wars and rumors of wars(verse 6)..."For nation will rise against nation,and kingdom against kingdom.And there will be
famines,pestilences,and earthquakes in various places"(Verse 7).
In my previous posting,I have written about a brief history of wars such as world war I and II,which I believed was the partial fullfilment of Christ's prophecy that wars and rumors of war must come to pass signs that we are living in the last days and that His second coming is near.So does the frequent occurance of earthquakes and Tsunami Flood.However,what triggered me the most is that a yet upcoming major and great war is about to happen which will end with major casualties with a trail of famines and deadly pestilences.
I am talking about a world war III,for after Christ mentioned about wars and rumors of wars,He continued by saying that "Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom".This kind of nation and kingdom conflict is no more a secular wars but a global and national world war.Now, let us carefully observe these events:World war (nation and kingdom),famines and pestilences because I believe that these three key elements are what the four horseman are representing.
Its is my belief that the unvealing of the four horseman and the breaking of the four seal will occur during the first quater of the first three and a half years of the seven years tribulation period.Jesus said that this is beginning of sorrow,and threfore the four seal shall be loosen after the rapture of the Church and after the AntiChrist has sign the seven years peace treaty with the Jews.World war III is inevitable and I believed that the Antichrist is the main person behind such catasthropic war which spread out globally ,creating a world war III.Now let us examine what does the four horseman symbolizes.
1.FIRST HORSEMAN:The rider of this horse had a crown but it was given to him.He is holding a bow but with no arrow and he rides a horse whose colour is white,a colour which many of us believe to represent a clean,pure and even a holy personality.This rider is none other than the Antichrist himself in which he prsent himself as a man of peace who came into the world trying to imitate the personality of Christ.Holding a bow without an arrow shows that he will succeed in his plan to conquer by diplomacy and not war initially.Many nations will willingly surrender their authority and leadership to him (crown was given to him).Emperors such as Napoleon,Alexander the great and many would be conquerors all rode in horses.
The Antichrist seen here is riding on a white horse because he want to present himself as a religious,holy and charimastic personality in which many will be deceive.In the later part,the Antichrist will leave a trail of wars,famine and death.It is also interesting to note that in Revelation chapter 19:11-16,we will also see another white horse being ridden by no other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself as He led His armies of saints coming down to earth to set His millenial Kingdom.In Verse 16,the Lord carried a name written on His robe and on His thigh as the "KING OF KINGS AND LORDS OF LORDS".Jesus is the King of Kings and therefore He wears many crowns.(Rev 19:12).