Mark 13:7 "
But when you hear of wars and rumors of wars,do not be troubled;for such things must happen,but the end is not yet.For nation will rise against nation,and kingdom against kingdom.."(Jesus Christ)
Daniel 9:26b-27a"
The end of it shall be with flood,and till the end of the war desolations are determined.Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week..."(Daniel the Prophet)
"Where do wars and fights come from among you?Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members?You lust and do not have.You murder and covet and cannot obtain.You fight and war.."James 4:1-2
This is the continuation of my writing about Christ's prophetic revelation of the End Time.He proclaimed that wars and rumors of wars are inevitable.Yet,it is only the beginning of sorrows. As the matter of fact these wars will become a global war between nation and kingdom of the world.Even the prophet Daniel prophetically wrote that war will continue to the end even during the seven years Tribulation.Who started this wars and fights?Men did .They lust and covet for something that does not belong to them and willing to fight in war just to satisfy their evil desires.The road to Armaggedon war at the end to the seven years Tribulation period will be filled with a trail of wars and rumors of wars.The Bible indicates that at least two major wars will eventually occurs prior to the Armaggedon war.
1.Gog- Magog war 1-Ezekiel 38 and 39
2.World war 3-Revelation 6
The Gog-Magog war is one of the most anticipated prophetic war that many prophecy scholars are looking for its fulfilment in these last days.In Ezekiel 38 :2-11 ,the LORD said
"Son of man,set your face against Gog,of the land of Magog,the prince of Rosh,Meshech and Tubal,and prophesy against him,and say'Thus says the Lord God:'Behold,I am against you,O Gog,the prince of Rosh,Meshech and Tubal.I will turn you around,put hooks into your jaws,and lead you out,with all splendidly clothed,a great company with bucklers and shields,all of them handling swords.Persia,Ethiopia and Libya are with them,all of them with shield and helmet;Gomer and all its troops;the house of Togarmah from the far north and all its troops-many people are with you.Prepare yourself and be ready you and all companies that are gathered about you;and be a guard from them.
After many days you will be visited.In the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from the sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel,which had long been desolate;they were brought out of the dwell safely.You will ascend,coming like a storm,covering the land like a cloud,you and all your troops and many people with you.Thus says the Lord God:On that day it shall come to pass that thought will arise in you mind and you will make an evil plan:You will say,I will go up against the land of unwalled villages;I will go to a peaceful people,who dwelling without walls and having neither bars nor gates"Ezekiel 38:15-16 "Then you will come from your place out of the
far north,you and many people with you,all of them riding horses,a great company and mighty army.You will come up against My Israel like a cloud,to cover the land.It will be in the latter days that I will bring you against My land,so that the nations may know Me,when I am hallowed.O Gog before their eyes"
The only country that is located in the far north of Israel is Russia.To date ,Russia is one of the superpower of the world.In his book 'Antiquities of the Jews 'the Jewish historian and scholar Joshepus identifies Magog with the Scythians but this name seems to have been use generically in antiquity for a number of peoples north of the Black sea.It should be noted that the Scythians,who were identified by Josephus and others as being Magog lived in what is now Russia and the Ukraine.In Genesis 10:2,Magog,Tubal and Meshech was indentified as the sons of Japheth one of Noah's son.Gog is also mentioned as the descendant of Reuben (Eldest son of the patriach Jacob-1 Chronicles 5:3,4)
Russia today is the largest country in the world with a total population of 421 million people.Known to be an energy superpower,Russia is one of the top five "Nuclear Powers"in the world,capable of building a massive nuclear weapons of mass destruction.Prophet Ezekiel prophecied clearly that Gog (Russia) from the land of Magog the prince or ruler of Rosh,Meshech and Tubal will plan to "plunder and to take booty"(Ezekiel 38:11-12) the nation of Israel .Russian's allies in this war will be the Arab nations,namely Persia, Ethiopia, Libya,Gomer,Togarmah and even Germany and Austria (Ezekiel 38:5-6).Now let us examine these ancient tribal names which link to the present modern day nations.
Meshech:Meshech as the six son of Japheth,the son of Noah was also indentified with the ancient Mushki,the Assyrians which inhabit Phrygia the northern Anatolia which today is the modern Turkey.
Tubal:Tubal being the 5th son of Japheth is the brother of Meshech.9th century B.C.Assyrian incriptions refer to Tubal,just west of Meshech in eastern Anatolia.Both of these tribe were known to have populated along the southeastern shore of the black sea.Some even associate Tubal with the naming of Tobolsk of Russia.
Persia :Persia is the descendants of Elam,the 1st son of Shem and is now the modern Iran.In 1935 ,Persia change its name to Iran.Iran will be the leading ally of Russia in her campaign to invade Israel.
Cush :Cush refers to the land that south of Egypt being translated in English Bibles as "Ethiopia"
Put:Put is translated by the New King James version as "Libya".Put was the 3rd son of Ham,the son of Noah.Josephus identifies Put as the founder of Libya,whose inhabitants were called putites.Put encompassed the area from present day Libya,Mauriyania, Mahgribi,Algeria,Tunisa and Morocco.
Gomer :The next ally is Gomer.In the Babylonian Talmud,the Biblical Gomer,the father of Ashkenaz,is rendered "Germania"and associated with the Cimmerians who established themselves in the Rhine and Danube Valleys.Thus Gomer is the present day Germany and Austria
Togarmah:Togarmah is one of the sons of Gomer.The Assyrians called them Til-Garimmu,a name derived from the Hittite city Tegarama and carried into classical times as Gauraema,presently known as Gurun,70 miles west of Mylayta.The city was destroyed by Sennacherib in 695 B.C.and the Armenians still refer to themselves as "The house of Togarmah"even to this day.So Togarmah is the present day area that covers Turkey and Turkistan.God spoke through Ezekiel that all these Arab allies will eventually join with Russia with the sole plan to completely annihilate Israel of the face of the earth.This Gog-Magog war against Israel will be most probably occurs just before or at the very beginning of the seven year Tribulation period .
But the Russian and her allies armies will be supernaturally destroyed by God "on the mountains of Israel"(Ezekiel 39:4) The Lord will destroy the Russian and its Arab allies through earthquakes, pestilence, hail storms, fire, brimstone, and battlefield confusion (Ezekiel 38:19-22) .It was written that it will take seven years for Israel to burn the implements of war after God has wrought His destruction on Russia and her Arab allies (Ezekiel 39:9).Therefore ,this war will be seen to occur at the very beginning or before the Tribulation.This is due to the fact that the Jews will be prosecuted by the Antichrist for the last three and a half years of the Tribulation.This Gog-Magog war will be recognize by the Jews as the "Lord's battle"and that God is fighting for them,thus many will open their hearts to the Lord (Ezekiel 38:23).
The next prophetic war after the fulfillment of the Gog-Magog war will be what I call the world war III,and it is found in the Book of Revelation chapter six .Soon after the Tribulation began,we see the release of the four horsemen which symbolizes the Antichrist ,war,famine and death.The Antichrist being presented as the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6:1-2,will deceive many nations by potraying himself as the only man of peace which bring peace to the world.Initially,the Anticrist will conquer by way of diplomatic means and not war since he carry a bow but not arrow.At least 10 nations within the confine of the old Roman empire have willingly surrended peacefully to the Antichrist in his quest to form a one world goverment.Thus when he offer a peace treaty with Israel,the Jews agrees to his proposal.But on the later part,the red horse and her rider which symbolizes war,the pale horse which symbolizes famine and the black horse which symbolizes death will eventually manifest and follow the Antichrist's trail wherever he goes.

His true colour will finally emerge when three of the 10 nations who later rebelled will he subdued by war.This will triggered a third world war in which the Antichrist will be victorious in his conquest as the crown on his head symbolizes it.With the Russian and his Arab allies being defeated in the previous Gog-Magog war,no one can stop him in his globar war campaign even the US.We all know that the majority of a born again Christian are in the United State of America.Since majority of saints in the US are raptured at the beginning of the Tribulation, the US will be weaken in her military defense against Antichrist's invading army.This third world war should occur in the first 21 months of the beginning of Tribulation period.As the result of this world war,over a billion will die if we are to follow the current world population (A third of the world population will die-Rev 6:8)
The Lord Jesus had foreseen this coming world war which being followed by famines and pestilences (Matt 24:6-8).The great Tribulation will be even worse as the wrath of God will reach its climax at the battle of the Armaggedon,when Christ's glorious appearing of His second Coming finally come to end these wars that the Antichrist has wrought to the world.The millienial Kingdom of Christ on earth after Armaggedon war will be the fullfilment of Chirst eternal peace on earth,for He is the Prince of peace for all humand kind.After the one thousand years reign of Christ,satan will try to wage another ultimate war (world war IV)with the Lord and this will be the last prophetic world war that was recorded in the book of Revelation.(Rev 20:9-10).I will share this events in my next posting.