A year ago(February,2010) ,I did post in this Blog a testimony of my divine calling,how the Holy Spirit caught me up heaven,met the Lord Jesus and how He revealed to me His divine Prophetic and Apostolic calling in life.The LORD showed me that I am the type of Prophet who will be receiving such divine revelation in accordance to such verse in the book of Number 12:6 where God said
“If there is a PROPHET among you,I the LORD, make Myself known to him in a VISION,I speak to him in a DREAM”.
Since then God has been showing me many visions and many times God's RHEMA word has come to me in divine dreams.I would therefore want to republish this personal testimony of mine this year so that all my new fellow blog reader/follower will be able to understand my calling,my purpose and how you can participate or support my ministry.As an independent minister,I walk by FAITH,without any sponsorship or funding from any church or christian organization,rather solely dependent upon God to touch the heart of many christian and lend their hand of support by way of financial sponsorship,seed faith commitment or donation without any obligation.I'm not good in asking for a donation or pledge gift,but I know that I need strong support to be in the ministry,remembering the word of the Lord Jesus that "It more blessed to give than to receive..."
Allow me to share my personal testimony regarding my apostolic and prophetic call from God.
There is a word in the scripture written in the Book Number 12:6 where God said
“If there is a PROPHET among you,I the LORD, make Myself known to him in a VISION,I speak to him in a DREAM”.
I have received many visions from God and many time God spoke to me in dreams.This particular scripture (Num 12:6)became a ‘Rhema’word from God to me in 2007. It was delivered by a man of God,a prince (Prince David Dokuro) from Africa where his christian father King Dokuro is the ruler of a state called Bayelsa in Nigeria,Africa.Prince David told me that when he came to study here in Malaysia, God spoke to him that He will send a man,a prophet who received revelation and word of God in vision and dream.Then he said to me : “You are that man whom God said to come “
A few months after that,I had the privilege to attend a Holy Ghost meeting in kuala Lumpur conducted in a local church(River of life Sanctuary Church).It was a 3 days seminar in which the main speaker was an apostolic minister,Dr. John Tatselo from America.While he was teaching the topic on ‘The person Holy Spirit’. I heard an audible voice of God spoke to me so clearly saying “I want you to teach this”(That is The Holy Spirit).During the meeting,Dr.Tetsola also called on me and gave a personal prophecy in which the Holy Spirit inspired him to confirmed many words that God has spoken to me regarding my apostolic and prophetic calling.
Since then, I’ve never at one time stop teaching about the blessed Person Holy Spirit, His divine attributes, His works, His manifestation of Gifts and His divine Power. This is the divine apostolic call in my ministry.
Daniel 7:1-2 “In the first year of Belshazzar King of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and vision and vision of his head while on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream ,telling the main facts. Daniel spoke saying,” I saw in my vision by night…”
(NOTE:To Daniel,divine dream is part of a divine Vision-notice he said"I saw in my vision by night)
ACTS 2:17C “your old men shall dream DREAMS (Divinely suggested-AMP).Greek word “HALOM” mean a normal dream that we dream when we sleep. Our body is totally at rest but our soul (mind) is invaded by a recollection or reflection of imagination or spiritual interference. Our mind is somehow expose to the spirit world whereby often time evil spirit will invade human mind in dreams if he is not a ‘born again’ Spirit filled person .Divine dream from God is another level of revelation in whereby God's Spirit come invade and in contact with our soul(Mind)
Let us look at Joseph, Mary’s husband. God send His angel to him and spoke to him in a dream .
Matt 1:20 “But while he though about these things, behold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying ‘Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife”
Matt 2:13 “Now when they had departed, behold an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying “Arise, take the young child and His mother ,flee to Egypt…”
Matt 2:19 “Now when Herod was dead, behold an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt…”
Matt 2:22b “…And being warned by God in a dream, he turned aside into the region of Galilee. And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, “He shall be called a Nazarene”
Daniel 7:1-2 “In the first year of Belshazzar King of Babylon, Daniel had a dream and vision and vision of his head while on his bed. Then he wrote down the dream ,telling the main facts. Daniel spoke saying,” I saw in my vision by night…”
Not until I received a divine Vision from God in dream,I wouldn't be able to comprehend on whether this two verses should be understood literally or symbolically
Rev 4:6 “Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal…”
LUKE 22:29-30 “And I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me, “that you may eat and drink at My table in My Kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel”
But now I understood it clearly.I just went to bed on the 9th of May,2007 night without expecting for any divine encounter, nevertheless I was in the attitude of prayer.I though I had a dream, a divine dream from God,but this time is was different.All of the sudden,I sense my spirit man left my body and going up with such speed immediately I found myself in heaven and precisely inside a big House with a big hall.I found myself sitting on chair with a long square TABLE which was covered with a long white table cloth.I just had a knowing within me that I am sitting somewhere in the third heaven,in some section of the Father's house at a main hall where Jesus once said about it (John 14:2)
Sitting next to and opposite on my right was Kenneth E.Hagin,the prophet of God.He was resting a smiling with full of content.Its been over 20 over years since I got hold of Rev.kenneth's book and magazines.I have not updated myself with the ministry of Kenneth E.Hagin.After this vision,out of curiosity and I began to do search as to what has happened to bro.Hagin.Only then I knew that he went to be with the Lord in 2003.I began to seek upon the Lord for such a spiritual significant as to why I was sitting beside this great prophet of God,Rev.Kenneth E.Hagin in heaven.The Holy Spirit of God then revealed to me of my ministry calling and that I was called to be the Apostle of Jesus Christ)
You see, in heaven this foundational apostolic and prophetic ministers will sit side by side.Praise God He has reserved for me my chair to sit in the table of Christ.
Now before us I saw there was a very big wide screen sea of glass a clear as crystal.The Bible mentioned this in the book of revelation.
“Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal…Rev 4:6.On this vision,I can see down the earth through this BIG SCREEN SEA OF GLASS some activities down the earth. On this particular occasion, I saw thousands of congregation worshiping God in a very big hall or church.Then I saw Rev.Pastor.Kenneth Hagin Jr, ministering to this church.He was preaching and teaching his congregation .
I believed it was Rhema Bible church located in Tulsa, Oklahoma where this church was founded by the late Kenneth E.Hagin.Now I know why Prophet Hagin was smiling here in heaven. He must be so proud and happy seeing his son and grandsons are still down there pastoring this family church. Pastor Kenneth Hagin Jr. then began to minister walking down all over the building praying and laying hand on the people.I was just watching there with excitement.Many people are touch by God.There was such joy and spiritual release upon the people.
After pastor.Hagin finished ministering,all of the sudden,I saw someone standing in front of us only about 5 meter from where I was sitting.Instantly,I know it was the Lord Jesus Christ.I saw Him very clearly from his left hand side and from His back.He was looking at the thousands of congregation down below through the sea of glass screen.His head and hair where white like wool(mix with a light black hair)His hair was glowing and with beard. He was wearing a white robe down to the His feet and He is so well build.
His hair was slightly curly wave and perfectly comb backward and not like the kind of hair style(Straight that we use to see on the so-called picture ‘icon’ of Jesus) He began to speak to the congregation down the earth.I was able to see this church listening so attentively while Jesus was speaking.For some reason,I was not able to hear what He was trying to speak.I guess Jesus was giving a personal word to this particular church in which I was not allowed to hear.
My eyes was just glued to Jesus as He was speaking and walking to and fro in front of us.I can see His mouth and expression that He was encouraging and admonishing the church down there.After Jesus had finished talking,I saw a group of youths clothed in white and red coming into the father’s house hall from the left hand side door.They began to do some sort of heavenly dance and performance gracefully accompanied with heavenly music.
Upon completion,everybody then kneel down to worship Jesus.I was also kneeling down worshiping my savior.Then I saw a group of white clothed angelic servants coming in the hall house from the same door on my left.Each of this angel was carrying a big silver type of big plate upon their head.On the plate I saw variouses of fresh and delicious foods .I saw them all carrying and putting them in the middle of the hall and on our table. It consist of all fresh juicy fruits.I guess they got it from the garden of paradise.I can’t forget this fresh juicy moist green grapes.I found my self now participating in this great feast of the Lamb of God.I’m now sitting on a chair with this long table clothed in white cloth in the kingdom of the Son of God,Jesus Christ our Lord.
Now only I know this verse in the scripture in LUKE 22:29-30 in whereby Jesus was saying “And I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me, “that you may eat and drink at My table in My Kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel” Seeing Jesus after such a long time (Over 24 years) and seeing this occasion,I began to sob and cry uncontrollably.I was so humbled before God for letting me to come to His present that I found myself still sobbing when I woke up.My wife called me and ask what has happened to me.I told her that just saw the vision of Jesus and I was so touch by His grace and mercy.