One of the most dangerous religious christian cult today is JOSE LUIS DE JESUS MIRANDA ,a 62 year old Puorte Rican who now resides in Miami,Florida.He is the leader of the cult called"Cresendia En Gracia"or "Grow in Grace international ministry" an organization which he claim has millions of followers which survives through donations bringing in 1.4 millions dollars a year.Some followers donate cars,homes and large sum of money to the man who claim to be Jesus Christ.De Jesus Miranda has churches in 24 countries,mostly Latin America but also in the US and Canada.Devotees calls him "Jesus Christ" and even tattooed an inscription "666"on their body to illustrate their devotion to him.He claim that he is the second coming of Christ and that the devil has been destroyed and there is no hell.
He uses the bible to preach,quote ,twist and interpreted scriptures to his advantage.Jose Luis also teaches that hell does not exist and they are free to indulge in sin because as long as they accept him as the Christ,they are saved and cannot loose their salvation.He goes to 24 radio stations and on many US TV cable network to spread his false doctrines in America.The Lord Jesus has prophesied of such emergence in the last days and warned us to"Take heed that no one deceives you.For many will come in My name saying"I am the Christ and will deceive many:"(Matthew 24:4-5)
I once read in a web,one of De Jesus Miranda's devotees confession: "I confess that I am a collaborator to the "DESIRED"of the nations,and together with him,I will sow so that I can see all the nations sakes;and the posterior glory shall be better and greater than the first one and I am part of that and I receive that you are enlightened to be part of it!The second coming of Jesus Christ has taken place-GOD IS HERE ON EARTH-and his name is Dr.Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda!Abba Father!(www.apologeticsindex.org/321-creciendo-en-gracia)
De Jesus Miranda's cultic followers acknowledge him as God their father when he merely a man who claim to be God.De Jesus latest claim was that he is now the Antichrist because he supersede the teaching of Jesus and therefore claim that "666"in his number,the man's number who claim to be God.Miranda has the '666'number tattooed on his hand.what a total blasphemy!
The rise of many false teachers ,false antichrists,false prophets and false apostles are the work of the Devil to deceive and to spread out false teachings around the world as we approach the dawn of the Christ's imminent return .You can see now how Christ's prophetic words in the Bible are being fulfilled in our time and that we are really living in the last hour.The Holy Spirit who live in us will glorified Jesus and every man of God will lift the name name of Jesus Christ of the Bible (John 16:13-14).I declare to you as God's servant,this cult leader Jose Luis De Jesus Miranda is a false messiah,false Christ who have a spirit of the Antichrist and that every Christian believer should reject,ignore,disassociate and warn other Christians not to be deceive by his teachings.
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