The Lord Jesus has promised that He will keep His saints from God's coming wrath upon the earth,that is the seven years tribulation period.Just as how God kept Noah save from the coming great flood that wiped the entire human race,God will also keep and deliver His Church from the coming wrath upon those who dwell on earth.
Peter wrote in his epistle that if God has spared Noah from the great flood then" the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations and to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgement "(2 Peter 1:9).Enoch was caught up by God to heaven and didn't experience death before the great flood and yet he foresaw the glorious appearing of Christ's second coming after the seven years Tribulation period.The Bible said "Enoch,the seventh from Adam prophesied about these men also,saying"Behold,the Lord comes with ten thousands of His saints"(Jude 1:14).The old testament is the shadow of the New Testament prophetic events and so I will now and then quote many prophetic scriptures to prove my point.
I am a believer in the Pre-Partial Tribulation doctrine and that the Church of Jesus Christ will be caught up and raptured by the Holy Spirit just before the tribulation period occurs.This is Jesus's first phase of His second coming,the unknown hour of His appearance (blessed hope) for saints. I also believe that many Christians will be left behind (not raptured)and will go through the seven years Tribulation period because they aren't living in accordance to God's word.You should therefore join the type of Spirit filled church denominations who teaches holiness,staying true the teaching of the 66 books of the Bible and not a dead,lukewarm comprising type of Churches.Church denominations won't save us,but I'm emphasizing the saints to join a Church that teaches only the pure unadulterated word of God.God's end time plan to rapture His Church is not the reason for"escapism"as many Mid-Trib and Post-Tribulationist uses for condemning Pre-Trib viewers.Rather its the gospel of good news to comfort the saints and so we can use this knowing to "..comfort one another with these words"(1 Thess 4:18)
Why I believe in a Pre-Partial Tribulation interpretation?.Here are some the biblical facts and tenets of my belief.
Our Lord Jesus Christ has promise to keep us for the coming Tribulation by the means of rapturing us from God's wrath.In Revelation 3:1,Jesus said "Because you have kept My command to persevere,I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world,to test those who dwell on the earth".The original recipient of this letter,the Church in Philadelphia has long since gone and destroyed and therefore Christ's word is the prophetic word of protection and deliverance for His universal Church throughout the ages. What a great comfort and what a blessed hope that our Lord has installed for every child of God who wait upon the Lord in this last days!
(Interesting note:The word "from"in Greek translation is "ek" in Revelation 3:10 is also translated as "out of".Jesus is saying "I will also keep you out of the of wrath to come."
1 Thessalonians 4:17 clearly stated"Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.And thus we shall always be with the Lord".The word"Rapture"is the English translation from the Latin Vulgate bible word for "rapio"or "harpazo"in Greek which means "to catch up,to snatch away or to take out".The apostle Paul's understanding of the Rapture is means to comfort the saints during this age (1 Thess 4:18)
When Jesus said "Therefore if you will not watch,I will come to you as a thief and you will not know what hour I will upon you"(Rev 3:3).He is referring to the imminency of His return to take His bride,the Church to His Father's house in heaven.Imminency means an immediate occurrence of an important events at any time.In this case, the main imminent event is Christ's first phase of His immediate return,the Rapture .The Mid-Trib ,Post-tribulationist and other views destroy that immediate,at-any time coming of the Lord.The fact is those views let Christians not to look for Christ's return at any time,but rather to look for the Antichrist and the Tribulation.
Only the Spirit filled saints will be raptured.Those who choose to live a carnal lifestyle ,lukewarm and worldly Christians will be left behind and will go through the Tribulation to test of their faith.Christians who live a satisfied life of just being "save by grace"and got entangled with many worries and concern with the world will find themselves tend to live a compromise life with God and the world.I doubt these kind of "yo-yo"Christian will ever be rapture.
Many Churches practices a compromise faith allowing strange teachings to enter their Church and they began to be lead astray. Jesus said "Then two men will be in the field:one will be taken and the other left.Two women will be grinding at the mill;one will be taken and the other left.Watch therefore,for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.....Therefore you also be ready,for the Son of Man is coming to an hour you do not expect"Matthew 24:40-42,44).
The parables of the ten virgins in Matthew 25:1-13)also symbolize how five virgins were wise because they maintain the fullnest of the "oil"of the Holy Ghost while the other five foolish one have lost the "oil"of fullnest in the Holy Spirit.When Jesus,the bridegroom came,these five foolish virgin later found themselves being locked and being left out from the wedding feast of the Lamb of God in heaven (Rev 19:9).Jesus again reminded "Watch therefore,for you not know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is Coming"(Matt 25:13)
Tribulation is God's wrath for the unbelievers,but not for them that is saved from Christ's resurection to the rapture.God's people did suffer throughout all human history,but there is a special time called the Day of the Lord for God's judgement upon the earth.Christian suffering and the Tribulation/Day of the Lord are not the same.During the Church Age,the saints of God represented by the Church of Philadelphia are promised in Revelation 3:10,
"Because you kept My command to persevere,I will also keep you from the hour of trails which shall come upon the whole world to test those who dwell on the earth"Paul stated"and wait for His Son from heaven,whom He raised from the dead,even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come"(1 Thess 1:10)
He also stated "For God did not appoint us to wrath,but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ"(1 Thess 5:10)Romans 5:9 states "Much more then,having now been justified by His blood,we shall be saved from the wrath through Him"Colossians 3:4 states"When Christ who is our life appears,then you also will appear with Him in glory"Again and again,scriptures stated that the church is not meant for God's wrath.
17 times the Church was mentioned in the first three chapters of Revelation,but after John was called to come up to heaven at the beginning of chapter 4,he saw the events of the Tribulation and God's wrath down the earth,but the Church was not mentioned or seen again until chapter 19,where she returns to the earth with her Bridegroom at His glorious appearing.Why?The because she is now where to be found in the Tribulation.She is snatch away and caught up by the Lord before the tribulation begin!
In conclusion to this,I never claim that Pre-Partial Trib views have all the answers for the many questions regarding the imminent return of the Lord to rapture His Church.However,let us all consider all the biblical facts that were written to support this view.I have my strong conviction that Pre-Partial Tribulation views hold the most suitable facts fitting to such biblical timing concernig end time that any other views.Using the golden rule of interpretation"When the plains sense of scripture makes common sense,seek no other sense but,take every word at its primary,literal meaning,unless the facts of the immidieat context clearly indicate otherwise"
I therefore shall affirm to use common sense in viewing the many facets of the scriptures to comfort every believer as our main purpose to present this prophetic end time teaching (1 Thessalonians 4:18)
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