“Paul,an apostle of Jesus Christ (not from men nor through man,but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead”(Galatian 1:1-NKJV)
“Paul,an apostle of Jesus Christ (not from men nor through man,but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead”(Galatian 1:1-NKJV)
My calling as an apostle of Jesus was truly dramatic because Jesus Christ ordained and called me as His apostle during this divine encounter with Him in heaven.That was in 2007,where,the Spirit brought my spirit to heaven,sat at the table of the Lord among many prophets and declared my divine calling to be His apostle
I was called in the ministry in 1981 and after almost 30 years in the ministry,only then He elevated me into this calling as an apostle.I have traveled to many part of Asia on apostolic ministry and I have seen great signs ,wonders and miracles accompanying my ministry to confirm the Gospel that I preach.I have preached in crusades where thousand of people came and seen many outstanding miracles being done by the Lord.The blind see,the lame/cripples walk,the mute talk,the deaf hear and many demon posses were delivered.I founded a church and planted many churches and still exist till today.The list will continue on and on to certify my calling as His apostle.Currently I am an Overseer Bishop in Asia who oversee many churches with bishop and pastors under my ministry.Yet I see these accomplishment ,still a small thing compare to what Christ Jesus has personally done in my life.Much high price I have paid to come this far and great anointing come a great responsibility.
What amazed me today is the rising up of many “apostle”by thousand of them each day and it's very alarming.This so happened in the network such as facebook.

As an active facebooker,I have seen many who called them self ‘apostle”and carry such name in their facebook.I even had a privilege talking to one of such ‘lady”apostle who told me how she got called to be an apostle.
“I keep hearing the word :”apostle,apostle,apostle’ and so I accepted this called and put in my facebook as “apostle xxxx”.She is just working as a hair stylist in a saloon ,yet she put herself in the position of the most highest office calling that Jesus ever gave to His church,an Apostle!As a sallon hairstylish,she has not preach among the thousand,has not seen miracle through her hand,has not build any churches and I am wondering,how a simple hair stylist lady claim to be an apostle of the Lord.I think to many of them,apostle is just a title or just one of the nice good name position to be called and that they can simply “resign”from this job title,when they feel like it.
Now,allow me to make this apostolic clarification on what are the basic attribute of a true ordained apostle of Jesus today
“I keep hearing the word :”apostle,apostle,apostle’ and so I accepted this called and put in my facebook as “apostle xxxx”.She is just working as a hair stylist in a saloon ,yet she put herself in the position of the most highest office calling that Jesus ever gave to His church,an Apostle!As a sallon hairstylish,she has not preach among the thousand,has not seen miracle through her hand,has not build any churches and I am wondering,how a simple hair stylist lady claim to be an apostle of the Lord.I think to many of them,apostle is just a title or just one of the nice good name position to be called and that they can simply “resign”from this job title,when they feel like it.
Now,allow me to make this apostolic clarification on what are the basic attribute of a true ordained apostle of Jesus today
This is a test of a true ordained and anointed Apostle of Jesus Christ.One of the greatest sign of an apostle is that his life and ministry is being accompanied with great SIGNS,WONDERS,MIRACLE AND MIGHTY DEEDS.
The blind can see,the deaf ear to hear,the dead is raise,the cripple walk,the demon-posses are being delivered ,a church is being build in a new field,his hand work supernatural miracle.All this is done because the Spirit of Christ work and manifest in him,making him to be a true genuine apostle of the Lord.
The blind can see,the deaf ear to hear,the dead is raise,the cripple walk,the demon-posses are being delivered ,a church is being build in a new field,his hand work supernatural miracle.All this is done because the Spirit of Christ work and manifest in him,making him to be a true genuine apostle of the Lord.
These are just the BASIC MUST SIGN of a true apostle and if any of us in this facebook or those who hold such title as an apostle but do not have these signs manifesting in his life and ministry,then I implore you,change your status and do not call yourself to be an apostle,for you are not yet an apostle of Jesus Christ.God will soon put an end to all such non apostolic ministry works by the fire of judgement from the Holy Ghost.
1.”Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance,in signs and wonders and mighty deeds”(2Corinthians 12:12-NKJV)
2.For such are false apostles,deceitful workers,transforming themselves into apostle of Christ.And no wonder!for satan himself transforming himself into an angel of light..”(2 Corinthians 11:13-NKJV)
3.”Then fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles “(Acts 2:43-NKJV)
4.And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people ..”(Acts 5:12-NKJV)
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