Today I shall continue with the divine vision that the Lord has given to me pertaining father Abraham of the Old Testament and how the Spirit brought me to see the temple in the future .In the second chapter of this 3-D vision,I mentioned how I also wanted to drink this fountain water that was coming out from the altar in the holy place of the the temple.Now I was wondering today what does the scripture says about this fountain of living water which the Lord let me see.Is there a scripture that support what I saw in this vision?Then today I read the Revelation 7:17.which says :
“for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to LIVING FOUNTAINS OF WATER…”(Revelation 7:17- NKJV) .This again has confirmed me that the vision of me seeing this fountain of living water was real and that there is such pure fountain holy water in heaven for every glorified saint to drink and that Jesus Christ the lamb of God will lead His saints to take a drink from this heavenly water.The scripture also tell us that “living water”symbolizes the Holy Spirit.Jesus Said : “He who believe in Me,as the scripture has said,out of his heart will flow rivers of living water”.But this he spoke concerning the Spirit,whom those believing in Him would receive;for the Holy Spirit was not given,because Jesus was not yet glorified” (John 7:39) I know there is a pure fountain of living water and I have seen it in my vision.
Now back to the continuation of the vision.While I was walking toward the fountain of water,another scene began to unfold right in front of me.This new scene unfold the moment I entered the holy place.All of the sudden,the living fountain of water was nowhere to be found!The altar is still there,but there was no more glory and presence of God and no more fountain of water gushing out.I am seeing now that the surrounding(holy place and altar) was all covered with what look like “human shit”!The smell was unbearable as the odour was bad.The holy temple was now contaminated and I had in mind to cleanup the holy place area.The Spirit was showing to me that this is the scenario of this temple during the reign of the Antichrist,for Jesus prophesied such occasion where He said :
” Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’spoken of by Daniel the prophet,standing in the Holy place’(Matthew 24:15-NKJV)
” Therefore when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’spoken of by Daniel the prophet,standing in the Holy place’(Matthew 24:15-NKJV)
Christ’s word about the “holy place”indicates the part or a section in the holy temple where the Antichrist would one day stand and proclaim himself as deity/god and demand to be worship.I am incline to say that the Holy Spirit permitted me to see this “holy place”in the temple,how it was totally smelly,full of human shit and without anymore glory or presence of the Lord.This will be the scenario when God’s holy presence is no more.What remain is the human remains which is very shameful things to see.Time and again I need to emphasis this that a temple will be build in Jerusalem,where the Antichrist will one day stand in the holy place and then sit in this temple and this is really an abomination to God.

“and the man of sin is revealed,the son of perdition,who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or is worshiped,so that he sits as God in the TEMPLE OF GOD,showing himself that he is God” (2 Thessalonians 2:4-NKJV)
Seeing the prophet Abraham of the Old Testament and seeing the future temple of the apocalypse,I am in awe and for many time my mind is perplexed seeing this.Many time I can’t contain my emotion and had a sleepless night whenever recall back this significance.I know for sure that the Lord has permitted me to see Abraham of the OT so that I can know him as he really is and the divine call that God has for him,which is the shadow of things for today’s observation.Am I called by God to walk in the spirit and authority of Abraham?I think so… just John the Baptist who walked in the spirit of Elijah the prophet of the old Testament:
“He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah,’to turn the heart of the fathers to the children..”(Luke 1:17-NKJV)
I am thrilled and so excited when the Holy Ghost also permitted me to see a glimpse of this future temple and I confirm that the Temple is real and shall be build for I have walked inside and saw inside in by the Spirit of the Lord.Let the Lord Jesus Christ be forever be praise with this testimony of mind.Oh what a Vision!
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