Numbers 12 :6 “Hear now My words.If the is a prophet among you,I the LORD make Myself know to him in a vision.I speak to him in a dream “
Last month,I did mention that the Holy Spirit gave me three dreams for three nights on the first week of September,2011. I have already shared my first dream in my previous posting.I will now tell you about the second dream that the Lord gave to me .In Numbers 12:6,the LORD said that He will speak to a prophet in a dream.Today,the Holy Spirit of God still speak to His servant and His prophet in a dream.I am one of such prophet.The LORD has been giving me many divine visions and spoke to me many times in a dream.I earnestly believe that when we lay down to physically rest and sleep in the fullness of the His presence,the Holy Spirit can invade our very soul,our innermost sub-conscious and conscious mind and began to reveal some mysteries from God.This He do according to His own will.
It’s a vivid recollection of images,sub-conscious memories,a supernatural revelation of the future or past and a divine vision from the LORD that the Holy Spirit inputted within the area of our mind and emotion.It’s called a “dream”but more than that,it’s a “night vision” from the Holy Ghost.Therefore,divine dream is another dimension of divine vision from God.In this last days,God is going to reveal many thing to His saints through prophesy,divine visions and dreams The Holy Spirit will reveal a more intense dream because God want to channel His revelation of the spirit realm and things that will shortly come to pass.
ACTS 2:17 “And it shall come to pass in the last days.says God,that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy;Your young men shall see visions,Your old men shall dream dreams”
As usual,I went to bed very late that night because there was just too many thing that I needed to do in the ministry.I think I went to bed around 2.00 am morning.Then I had a dream.This time in my dream,my spirit man was taken back to my very hometown,and I saw myself standing on very hill where once my late father build our family house and where I grow up and stayed in our house as a young boy until I reach 17.(My family house was build on a hill).I did not see our old family house in this dream ,but I saw my self standing on this hill side.After a while someone brought to me two women to be prayed for because I was told that both of this women was troubled.I look at them and it seem to me that they look normal with a very descent wearing.There was no sign or symptom that they are both having any problem or being troubled.
In this dream I saw myself being led to pray for them.The moment I started to lay hand to pray for them,immediately both of this women became very aggressive and violent that the men who brought them began to hold them both by their hand.I now know that both of them were under the oppression of some evil spirits because they became wild as the spirit began to manifest out of them.I can hear them growling,hissing and trying to break loose from the men who was holding them tightly.Now I have been dealing with many demons before in my life and casting out devils from those who are being oppress by evils spirits was part of my ministry.Jesus said “And these signs will follow those who believe;In My name they will cast out demons….” (Mark 16:17a-NKJ)
I am now engaging in a spiritual battle where I have to deliver both of the women from the oppression of these demons that havw bound their life.Before I commanded them to leave from this women,I saw myself demanding the demons inside them to tell their identity.I saw myself demanding:”Demon spirits,what is your name?”(Luke 8:30).Then the demons inside one of them answered me by giving his name as: “SANDIWARA!”.Now this is the first time that I ever heard such a name!.
I have been serving God for 30 years (1981-2011), being involved in a deliverance ministry and has been casting out devils to so many who are demonize,but I have never heard such name of a demon called :”SANDIWARA”before.But in this dream,that is the exact name that the demons said his name was.I then found my self began to cast out and command this demons spirit to come out and leave both of this women in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
They were both very violent and tried to ignore my command initially,but the demons was unable withstand such power and authority in the name of Jesus Christ.As I was rebuking so hard in Christ’s name,the demon shout at the top of their voice and began to leave the women’s body.My commanding voice was so loud that literally it awaken me from my sleep and dream.I look at the clock and it was past 2.30 am in morning.My heart was really beating hard and fast because of this very intense and real spiritual battle kind of a dream.It took me sometime to calm myself as I began to pray and worship the Lord.You can imagine the kind of dream is this so much so that it has awaken me from my sleep!
I did not even sleep till 6.00 am morning.I was discerning and pondering such revelational dream that the Holy Ghost has given to me.I was asking the Holy Spirit about this demon called “Sandiwara”.I will need to tell you that the noun word “sandiwara”in a Malaysian/Indonesian Language is being translated as a “PLAY” or an “ACT”
I also found out that a “PLAY”or an “ACT” in the context of a movie,this probally refer to the star “Actor”of a movie who skillfully demonstrate his/her skill in acting.And as we all know,when someone is very good in acting on a movie,they become a very popular actors and actress.As the matter of fact,those very good actors who act in movies will be treated by millions of movie fan as their idols and stars.Movie industries especially in the Holywood and Bollywood are filled with so many famous actors and actress.I myself in my early years adore and love many actors especially those who “act” in action movies,such as Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson,even Tom Cruise and even Shah Rukh Khan
Its been over one year now,I have not watch any action movies for ever since I rededicated my life to the Lord,I have lost my appetite to watch any more movies.My point here is that these famous men/women take their role as as “ACTORS/ACTRESS” whose act or a play are being dictated by their director and such man /women will embrace to a certain personallity in which is not their real identity.Movies are all an “ACT”or a “PLAY” ,a “sandiwara”as we called it here in Malaysia or Indonesia.
And so,this dream from the Holy Ghost showed some significance revelation to me,and that there is a very certain kind of demonic spirit by the name of “Sandiwara” who will go and posses people and turn them into other personality which is not real but a fake and subtile kind of personalities.When you see a very good actors/actress,you will understand what I mean.Some actors especially in Hindi movies can draw so much emotion and literally make many cry.Such “ACT”is so strong today that many unbelievers got carried away through the influence of this kind of spirits. This spirit of “sandiwara” has even influenced many religious people and even to some extend, many saints and ministers who are not fully yield to the Holy Ghost.I call them ”Christian/Religous Actors “or “Christian pretenders”.Jesus called these religious fakers as “HYPOCRITES”
“Woe to you,scribes and Pharisees,pretenders (hypocrites)! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the plate,but within they are full of extortion,(prey,spoil,plunder)and grasping self-indulgence “(Matthew 22:25 -AMP )
we must always be alert of this particular kind of Demonic spirits.Such Demons are cunning “pretenders”and they can possess a false ministers and turn such ministers of satan to act like a minister of Christ.All their works are “fake”and this is the work a particular demons spirit called the spirit of “sandiwara”or pretender spirit.The Scripture reveal this so clearly in 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 (NKJ):For such are false apostles,deceitful workers,transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.And no wonder!for Satan himself transform into an angel of light.Therefore it is no great things if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness,whose end will be according to their works.”
I do not know how to call this kind of demons “sandiwara”spirits in English.Maybe I should called them as “THE SPIRIT OF PRETENDERS,THE SPIRIT OF HYPOCRISY,THE SPIRIT OF FALSEHOOD OR RELIGIOUS SPIRIT”.Their character can be easily detect through the gift of Discerning of Spirits.Just like 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 says,these satanic spirits can really transform to look like they are a real genuine ministers when they are not but only”fakers,pretenders,hypocrites and evil actors”.Talks about “acting,a play,pretending and fake ministers”,this scripture tells it all.There are so many fake and false apostles and pretender ministers.These are the work of such demonic kind of spirits called the “sandiwara”spirits or spirit of falsehood/pretender.
I invite you today my readers,to join me in this ministry of deliverance ,that we ask God the Father to anoint us with such faith,power and divine ability to cast this demons out from our churches,saints and even from fake ministers.I pray that many of us will receive the gift of Discerning of Spirit,so that the Holy Spirit will be able to reveal the real demonic spirits behind such “act”and “play”.Otherwise these actors and pretenders christian and ministers will influence many weak saints to follow their fake faith not realizing that they are now introducing a corrupted wrong doctrine.You must always need to know that even Satan know the scripture and what is written in the Bible,except they do not obey God’s commandments nor obey His precepts and word.
Mark 1:23-26 “Now there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean spirit.And he cried out,saying,”Let us alone!What have we to do with You,Jesus of Nazareth?Did You come to destroy us?I know who your are -the Holy One of God!”But Jesus rebuked Him,saying,”BE quite,and come out of him!”.And when the unclean spirit had convulsed him and cried out with a loud voice,he came out of him”(NKJ)
This dream that the Holy Spirit gave to me is so real because unclean spirits are real and they enters into the very body of men and women who don’t have Christ in their life and thus turn such person in accordance to their character in which one of such spirit is called “Sandiwara”spirit or the Spirit of Falsehood & pretenders.
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