The Book of Revelation is the unveiling mystery of the End Times by our Lord Jesus Christ.It's my earnest desire to present this apologetic studies on "Apocalypse"so much so that even a simple and plain laymen christian can easily understand without so much theological idioms or jargon added.I'm also presenting my reflection on End-Time (Eschatology),Bible Prophecy and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.I also will be posting much needed inspired teaching from many portion of the OT/NT scriptures for the saint to feed upon.Remember,Christ said :"Man cannot live on bread alone,but on every word of God that proceeded from the mouth of God".


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Thursday, July 7, 2011



Apostle Joh's latest book "Renaissance of the Apostles & Prophets".A MUST for all saints and those who are divinely call as an Apostle or a Prophet.KNOW why Apostle Joh,the Seer Prophet believe that the Holy Spirit is now raising up companies of Apostles & Prophets in ASia and beyond.A real Apostolic & Prophetic Movement that is sweeping Asia & beyond. 

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 “John to the seven churches in Asia” (Revelation 1:4)


Jesus said: “What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches churches which are in Asia” (Rev 1:11b)


In writing this book in which I called “The Rennaissance of the Apostles and Prophets in ASIA and beyond”. I am drawn to the prophetic word of Jesus Christ which He came to the Apostle and prophet John, the last living Apostle of the lamb while being an excile in the Island of Patmos during the reign of the roman emperor Domitian. Apostle John was commanded by the Lord Jesus to write the Book of Revelation in which among the main facets was to write a letter to all the seven churches which was under Apostle’s John care during his time which are all located in Asia minor, the presence day Turkey. This word “ASIA” came out from the mouth of Jesus Christ Himself which He prophetically declared and commission Apostle John to take out all the seven churches and the symbol of the whole entire era of the church of Jesus Christ . To date, all the seven churches which has existed during the apostle John’s era has now long gone and nowhere to be found.


The seven churches which are in Asia Minor during Apostle John’s time (Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodecia) are no more in existence today. What is left are just a memory of it and today, Asia minor is the modern day muslem country, Turkey. BUT understand this, it was the Lord Jesus Christ Himself uttered a prophetic name called  “ASIA”


What you see, write in a book and send it to the seven churches which are in Asia Saith the Lord. (Rev 1:11b)


This is because the Lord Jesus Christ has uttered prophetically this name “ASIA”:

For over 2000 years, Satan has tried his level best to annihilate or delete this name “ASIA” from the face of the earth. His agents did indeed was successful in destroying “Asia Minor” and historiticaly and geographically speaking, there is no more the so called “Asia minor” of the bible. But the Holy Spirit has a divine plan for the Kingdom of God. Jesus never said “Asia Minor”. He only prophetically proclaim “in Asia!”


write in a book and send it to the seven churches churches which are in Asia(Rev 1:11b)

Today, there exist a big nation called “ASIA” Continent which consist of nations such as Malaysia, India, Pakistan, China, Singapore, Philippines, Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and many more. Asian nations are on the rise and have become one of the most influential nations in term of economy and population. Morris Cerullo, once said “Half of the world’s population, are in Asia”. And it’s true. The force of Asia is being felt in these coming days.




We have heard about apostles and prophets which was raise by the Holy Spirit in America, Africa, Europe and South America Continent. However, we need to accept fact that the name “ASIA” is a prophetic name. If Jesus ever uttered “ASIA MINOR”, the seven churches would have still exist today in modern Turkey. BUT, the Lord knew that satanic forces are on the rise in the middle east and I believe the Holy Spirit has “kept” ASIA the major continent to day for a divine purpose. When the Holy Spirit called to raise up to call and to establish the ministry of apostle and prophet here in Asia, I knew in my spirit that the Holy Ghost have prepared me for this hour. There are just too little and even some Asia countries have “none”apostle and only a handful of real genuine prophets of God.



The renaissance of the Apostles and Prophets from ASIA has finally dawn. My organization: “The APOSTLE & PROPHET ASIA FEDERATION @APA FEDERATION” is one of such big apostolic and prophetic organization that was being raise the Holy Ghost to take this prophetic commission to establish and to confirm many who are now being called to be apostles and prophets of Jesus Christ in Asia. The Lord has also showed me that I will also need to reach and go beyond Asia and gather such Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teacher all around the world. The whole purpose of such big confederation is to:



equip the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of Faith and the knowledge of the Son of God,to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the craftiness of deceitful plotting...Ephesian 4:11-14




The renaissance of the Asia apostles and prophets are on the raise and I am seeing thousand of them being called in to apostolic and prophetic ministries within five years from 2011. I am one of such apostle and prophet in Asia (Malaysia being my origin). This apostolic and prophetic movement has began here in Asia and churches in Asia nations again are rising by millions. We have heard, the prophetic movement lead by Peter Wagner and Dr.Bill Hamon in America. However, the impact has not being felt much here in Asia. God will need to raise the Asian apostles and prophets to bring such tremendous apostolic and prophetic impact to the nations. Because without this two main pillars in the five fold ministry, Asian churches will not be able to grow strong and fulfill Christ purpose of building up a strong Spirit and stable Churches in Asia and beyond.



Strange doctrine and many cult leaders who called themselves “apostle and prophet of Christ” are on the rise here in Asia. The Holy Spirit is raising many genuine and authentic apostle and prophet to address such “error” doctrine being planted by many false teachers, false apostles and false prophets in Asia.






A call upon many Asia minister who have heard the divine call of Jesus Christ to be in the apostolic and prophetic movement to join me in this federation and to become the largest Apostolic and confederation in Asia.


Its not “America, Africa or Europe” continent that Jesus’s uttered but He simply declared “write in a book and send it to the seven  churches which are in Asia (Rev 1:11b).


This is Apostle Joh, the Seer prophet, writing from Asia.



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