The pale horse is simply a corpse-like,signifying death.During the first twenty-one month of the Tribulation period,the death rate toll is so high as a result of war,famine,inflation,pestilence and even killed by wild animal.The rider of this pale horse was named "Death" and he was followed by "Hades"/Hell(Both are the realm of death-a place reserved for unbelievers as they wait for the great White Throne Judgment.Hades/Hell follows the pale horse of death indicates that these are the spirits of unsaved dead being lead by the angel of Death.Thus its a reminiscent of the ten plague upon Egypt where the angel of death is visiting the unbelievers during the Tribulation period.Death and Hades was also mentioned in Revelation 20:13-15 as the realm of death.
"The sea gave up the dead who were in it,and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them.And they were judged,each one according to his works.Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire.This is the second death."(Rev 20:13-15)
The death toll mentioned here is one fourth of the total population of the earth.In this current present world census,such death total will be almost two billion people.
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