Right after I’ve received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, I experienced a tremendous new power and confidence to do the works of God. I really want to share this newfound spiritual experience to my fellow Christian brothers and sisters in the Lord.
By then, I had joined a small prayer meeting group. The first thing I did was to approach what seems to be the leader of this group. I told her that not many days ago Jesus Christ baptized me with His Holy Ghost and this strange unknown tongue spoken out from my mouth. She was so excited too and told me that all the while she was searching for such experience and believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit. But she needed someone to support and convince her to tell the rest of the group.
After telling and sharing her God’s word, she finally said, “I need to be baptize by the Holy Spirit! Can you lay hand and pray that Jesus filled me with His Holy Spirit?” And I did .I just pray to the Lord to fill her with the Holy Ghost... When I laid my hand on her, I felt the anointing flow and she began to tremble and speak in tongues. The Holy Spirit just filled her and from that day on I saw a great transformation in her personal life and ministry.
Today ,she still serve God as a leader in the church that I once planted in Sabah Malaysia.The rest of the group slowly accepted this new Pentecostal experience. Talking about ‘Catholic Renewal Charismatic’ movement in Sabah, this small catholic Christian group who experience the Baptism of the Holy Spirit pioneered this movement. Like John the Baptist, Jesus called me to ignite the fire of Pentecost and prepare them for His Spirit to work within their heart. It’s been years now and I saw big movement and wave of the Holy Spirit sweeping our entire nation. I called it ‘The Kadazan Charismatic movement’ in Sabah because many indigenous kadazandusun have experience the power of Pentecost since then.
Remembering those days, it’s been a humor before the Lord. At one time I was involved in the baptism of water. I preach about water baptism as a sign of total repentance and so a dozen of them were brought to a fresh clean river of Babagon Penampang (Sabah Malaysia) .As I laid hand and pray for them, the power of God just come upon them, so much so that they come under the power and plunge in straight into the water. So, I don’t need to help them to immerse!
I said ‘I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!’ .The Holy Spirit Himself was baptizing them with water! Here they go falling under the power and into the water! It’s an experience that I would never forget and the Holy Spirit was energizing my life lively. Years later, by faith I conducted a series of’ Mass Crusade on Revival and Healings ‘in few major towns. My banner carries this word ‘Jesus Christ heals you!’ Thousands came to these crusades
I was only 19 and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ .I have laid hand for many people to get healed by Jesus and did lay hand for many to receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Many came forward to witness how God healed them. I saw Jesus perform mighty miracles to the people, just as He did some two thousand years ago. The blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk and it was a great joy seeing many turn to the Lord. It’s cost me a great price to do God’s work, but worth it.
Some mistakenly thought I’m a fanatic. Prior before conducting this series of “Healing crusade campaigns’ I went up to climb a well known holy mountain to our catholic community in Penampang. Every year, Catholics gather to climb on this journey called ‘the way of the cross’. On top of this mountain, a very big wooden cross was erected and it can be seen for miles. I went there and stayed for about a month alone to fast, pray and seek God’s will.
The Spirit of God showed me many mysteries but one of them was to conduct preaching campaigns and He will confirm His with signs following. I saw my self preaching the Gospel to thousand of people and saw the Glory of God coming down. Thus the healing ministries were born on that mountain. If you ask me whether I was afraid alone in the jungle and stayed on the top of the mountain for a month, I will tell you I was not, because God was there and His angels was there protecting me!
Some one notice my campfire in the night and rumors says it that somebody took a telescope and watch me praying and worshiping God on that mountain. The news spread out saying that I’ve gone crazy! I will tell you as you read this journal
I was so much in burden for my nation’s loose morality that whenever I prayed, I cried aloud before the Lord that revival will occur. Nobody can hear me crying loud before the Lord on this mountain and thus it’s just a perfect place for me with Jesus.With the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and knowing that He dwells in me, the Holy Spirit manifested His awesome power. My secret? THE HOLY SPIRIT. The Spirit of Jesus Christ
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