"The revelation of Jesus Christ,which God gave him to show his servants things which must shortly take place..."Rev 1:1a (NKJV)
The final canon book of the new testament is the Book of Revelation,being written by the Apostle John the son of Zabedee.To me,the apostle John is also a prophet of God being preserved by our Lord Jesus to receive the End-time revelation .John was the last surviving apostle who suffered a great prosecution during the reign of the Roman Emperor Domitian,who rule from A.D.81 to A.D.96.He was banished as an exile to the isle of Patmos,just a few miles from Ephesus because of his "testimony of Jesus Christ and the word of God"(Rev 1:2).During Domitian reign,all Christians are considered the "enemy the state"since they don't worship or acknowledge the emperor as divine.
John was in his late 90's when Jesus Christ commanded him to write the book of revelation and send it to the seven churches in the Asia Minor where he was an overseer.These seven churches thus symbolically represent the end time churches or followers of Jesus Christ in which we are living today. I always have my deep respect to many groups of theological interpretation such as the preterist,historical and spiritual interpreters.Nevertheless,I'm convinced that I'm within the same fold with the "Futurist interpreters"because I believe that the book of the apocalypse is a prophetic revelation in nature particularly from chapter 4 onwards.The first chapter is the opening key of such view when many "..things which must shortly take place..." (Rev 1:1a) This verse clearly shows that some major end time events are going to happen shortly sometime in the future and that Jesus is going to reveal it to John to be recorded in his writing.
I'm also a believer of the Rapture doctrine i.e.the "snatching away/caughting away"of the saints by the power of Holy Spirit to heaven.I believe every Spirit filled believer will be Raptured that will usher the beginning of the 7 years tribulation period.Thus,I believed in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture theory more than the so called Mid-Tribulation and Post-Tribulation rapture theories.The rapture is the key that will trigger the series of chronological end time prophetic events that are forecast in the book of revelation.I will later exegete this great book throughout this blog with the hope that every reader will be able to grasp God's divine will and purpose for every christian believer to be ready to meet the Lord and behold him who " is coming with clouds and every eye will see him,even they who pierce him and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him,even so.Amen"(Rev 1:7)
With this in mind,I often pondered myself that in accordance to God's time where does the year 2012 stand in God's time frame?I earnestly believe that we are still within the time frame of the rapture waiting period!When the rapture time come..." the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout,with the voice of an archangel,and with the trumpet of God.And the dead in Christ will rise first.Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the air.And thus we shall always be with the Lord" (I Thes 4:16-17)
God's time frame can be divided into three part .Let's start with this year 2012,so that we may know where are we in God's timing
1.RAPTURE YEARS OF WAITING PERIOD:From the year 2012 until the RAPTURE of the saints, no one know when is the rapture time.
2. SEVEN YEARS TRIBULATION : After the rapture has occurred ,there will be a seven years of tribulation on earth.
3.MILLENNIUM REIGN OF CHRIST:After the seven years have passed,Christ and his saints will come down to earth reign for a one thousand years
Within this three time frame,all the prophetic events that are written in the book of revelation shall come to pass and we will fit in all this events into this three time frame period.The end time revelation of Jesus Christ will be revealed to us by the Holy Spirit and we shall know the truth of God's word and it will set us free.There is a special blessing being promised to them who passionately read this book .All scriptures of God will bring blessing whenever we read it,but the book of revelation is the only one that promises special blessing to those " who read and those who hear the word this prophecy and keep those things which are written in it,for the time is near" (Rev 1:3)
The AMP bible said it this way : "Blessed(happy,to be envied)is the man who reads aloud(in the assemblies)the word of this prophecy...."Read the book of revelation out loud till you very ear hear you own voice for in ti,the blessing of God rest upon you.
The AMP bible said it this way : "Blessed(happy,to be envied)is the man who reads aloud(in the assemblies)the word of this prophecy...."Read the book of revelation out loud till you very ear hear you own voice for in ti,the blessing of God rest upon you.
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