It is interesting to note the maxim of Saint Augustine,who said "The New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed.The Old Testament is in the New Testament revealed".Therefore,the book of Revelation is the climax fulfilment of all unfulfilled Old Testament prophecy.Even Jesus Himself often quotes many Old Testament prophecies.When come to subject of the End Times prophetic events,the Lord Jesus quote many bible prophecy from the book of Daniel.One such example is about the rising of man Antichrist :"Therefore when you see the "abomination of desolation' spoken of by Daniel the prophet,standing in the holy place"(whoever reads,let him understand!)"(Matt 24:15)
I feel safe to follow Christ's tradition to keep on quoting the Prophet Daniel's book of prophecy to refer many End time events.There is a certainty of this seven years "Tribulation"event.As we all know,we are now living in the 'Church Age' era prior to the rapture event and the coming seven years Tribulation period.In the book of Revelation,the seven churches in Asia (Revelation 2-3) represent and symbolizes the 'Church Age' era.Humanly speaking,the world we are living in today are the era of a"mix social,economic and political turbulent'of governments and societies.The governments of today are exactly as what God has revealed to Daniel as the' toes' kingdoms that were partly of iron and clay which being mingled but still will not adhere to one another.(Daniel2:4244).Capitalism,feudalism,Communism,dictatorship,monarchy,democratic and autocratic governments are example of such entities.They all govern with a mixture of different ideologies.
It is my belief that the seven years of Tribulation period will occur after the rapture of the Church and after the Antichrist have sign a peace treaty with the nation of Israel.Daniel,seeing the vision spoke prophetically of it by saying "Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week.But in the middle of the week He shall bring to an end to sacrifice and offering.."
(Daniel 9:27a).Its necessary for every bible prophecy student to understand Daniel's prophecy in Daniel 9:24-27 in order to understand the purpose and time of the Tribulation.Throughout the scripture,the Tribulation is referred to by other names such as:
i.The "Day of the Lord (Isaiah 2:12;13:6-9;Joel 1:15,2:1-31;1 Thessalonians 5:2),
ii.'Trouble or tribulation' (Deuteronomy 4:30;Zephaniah 1:1).
iii.Jesus even mentioned it and call it "The Great Tribulation"which refers to the more intense second half of the seven -year period(Matthew 24:21),'
iv.'Time or day of trouble' (Daniel 12:1,Zephaniah 1:15)
v.'Time of Jacob's trouble' (Jeremiah 30:7)
We now know that according to the scripture,the Antichrist will signu a seven years peace treaty with the nation of Israel,but then he will break that treaty just after the first quarter (three an a half years).You must understand in this scenario that the pre-Tribulation saints of God have been raptured to heaven and what is left are the carnal christians and unconverted Jews.But then a new wave of a great last days outpouring of the Holy Spirit again will causes many new breed of tribulation saints to arise and many Jews will come to know Jesus Christ as their Messiah.Joel has prophesied such great Holy Spirit's outpouring in the last days and was later confirmed by the apostle Peter .(Joel 2:28-32.Acts 2:17-21).
The prophet Joel prophesied that after the great outpouring of the Holy Spirit,God said "I will show wonders in heaven above,And signs in the earth beneath:Blood and fire and vapor of smoke,The sun shall be turned into darkness,And the moon into blood,Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord"(Acts 2:19-20).It is my belief that during this first quarter of the tribulation that the four horsemen of the Apocalypse (four seal)will be release a part of God's discipline of Israel and His judgement wrath upon the unbelieving world (Rev 6:1-7).Many tribulation saints will be heavily prosecuted and be killed by the vast armies and followers of the Antichrist (Rev 6:9-11). Earthquakes as well as catasthropic events in the solar system will occur when God's six seal is open that bring great fear to the unbelievers(Rev 6:12-17).
Then the seven trumpets judgement began to unveil in the last quarter of there the three and a half year tribulation.(Rev 8:1-13,9:21).Seven great plagues began to fall upon the kingdom of the Antichrist such as hail and fire that burn a third of trees and green grass,sea become poison like blood that kills a third of sea creatures,water contamination,day became dark,global sickness or diseases outbreak and death plague that kill a third of mankind.However,the Bible said "But the rest of mankind,who were not killed by these plagues,did not repent of the work's of their hands,that they should not worship demons,and idols of gold,silver,brass,
stone, and wood,which can neither see nor hear nor walk"(Rev 9:20-21)
When the Antichrist break the peace treaty and bring about the existent of his own religion,he will take over God's temple in Jerusalem and demand to be known as divine.This is where he will bring the "abomination of desolation"inside the temple,an image of himself and demand to be worship (Matt 24:15).Paul foresaw this event wrote "...the man of sin is revealed,the son of perdition,who opposes and exalts himself above all that us called God or that is worshiped,so that he sits as God in the temple of God,showing himself that he is God"(2 Thess 2:3-4).The mark of the best "666"the Antichrist's number will be enforce and be implimented.This events ushers God to release the last seven final plagues .
The last three and a half years of Antichrist reign is also called the Great Tribulation,because this is where the last seven plagues of God called the "Seven Bowl of Judgments"will be pour out to earth(Rev 16:1-21).This last seven plagues are so great because God judgement's wrath was poured out to the earth to punish the Antichrist and all his evil followers over all such wickedness and sins that they ever done.The outbreak of sores,the sea became poison which all sea living creatures died,the sudden great heat from the sun and darkness fall upon Antichrist's kingdom have even further ignite all men to blasphemed the name of God instead of repentance(Rev 16:9).
Then God poured out the seven Bowl of judgement,and the greatest earthquakes that was never known to men occurred.Many great cities just fall apart, flattening every known big continental islands or mountains on the earth.Great hail fell upon men but yet these plagues did not make men repent or turn to God,rather they blamed and blasphemed God because of such great plagues (Rev 16:21).With the last great plague,which is the last seven bowl of judgement being poured out, the seven years tribulation era are completed.At this point of time,the Antichrist with the aid of his false prophet has organized an ultimate battle with the Lord,because they saw Him coming on the clouds in heaven and on the way down to earth to rule as King with his great saints(Matthew 24:30).Thus we will see this ultimate battle being won by the Lord and the establishment of his earthly kingdom that usher peace and prosperity for a thousand years.I will again share this great revelation in my my next posting.Haleluya.Immanuel and Maranatha!
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